And not being one to shy away from a theme when it's obvious... today is no exception. And then I noticed I had two very different white buildings against very different skies...
I also turned the bottom shot into a wallpaper, since it just really appealed to me...
I'm not going to go into too much detail about my adventures today... suffice to say that it was mostly driving, and I managed to make a big wide circle around the city, stopping here and there. But mostly it was about the driving. I'm not sure I would have even bothered going out if it hadn't been for the fact that the pack of mongrel children were being very noisy and annoying... it's that whole "must escape or kill somebody" thing.
While I still stand by the statement that not only am I directionally dyslexic, but also geographically challenged... I will say that these little car trips have had one added bonus... I'm starting to make the connection between certain roads and locations in my brain. It's probably a bit late for that, but I have a tendency to go a certain way to a place and very rarely change said plan... and if I do, I then tend to only go the new way. But taking random turnings here and there and just picking roads at random and ending up on roads I recognise has been good for me.
Sharp eyed readers may have noticed (but probably didn't) that the template sidebar is ever so slightly different... when I originally took the shots my panorama program had some issues about joining them up, so the cheeks suddenly jumped... and while it's more than likely that nobody but me ever noticed it, it bugged me. So I ended up swinging past Hawker Street and reshooting the artwork on the pole so I could re-engineer it properly. And this time it worked properly, so I'm happy now. I know, tragic and anal...
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