
sunny beachside ramblings

brighton beach 2007It ended up being a bit of a random beach day today...

It was a glorious day out (well, you know, no clear blue skies, but deliciously warm and sunny), and after the usual Random Shopping Adventures™, we just kind of let the car do the driving a bit.

Actually it started out with us heading down to the airport... now, for whatever reason Ma had it in her head that she wanted to view the (new and improved since she last visited it) airport before she has to actually make use of the facilities at the beginning of October when she goes over to Melbourne. I'm still a little mystified as to WHY... but we decided that was a good starting place, so we went for a little visit.

I think we were in there for all of ten minutes and didn't even go into the main terminal part, just the entrance, but she came out happy, and that's the main thing... pointless, but you know, you do what you gotta go.

We decided against Ikea, since we knew that we'd waste two hours wandering around looking at stuff we either didn't need, didn't want, couldn't afford, had no use for or whatever... then come away with things that we didn't need but bought because they were cheap and looked like a good idea at the time.

Instead we just kind of took the most direct route down to the beach, then drove along until we got to Glenelg.

I directed Ma to the carpark that I parked in when I had my grand day out the other week, partly because I figured it was a good bet of finding a park (we actually ended up parking in the street outside, but it was still a plan), and because the quasi Egyptian street art thing was in a side street across the road from said carpark.

There might have been some slight exaggeration in that previous post as to it's relative coolness... but I took some shots anyway, and they'll show up later.

Then we did the whole wander down Jetty Road, looked in some shops, blah blah blah... sat down by the jetty for a bit, watched the passing freaks, took some photos, then wandered back down the street (pretty much what I did when I was down there)... stopped off at Baskin Robbins (and I got the same ice cream flavours as last time), wandered back towards the car, stopping off at the funky fish and chippery, Chips, where we ended up trying the "crumbed camembert wedges with cranberry sauce"... OH! MY! GOD! So wrong, but SO yum. And not overly greasy, which was a bit of a surprise. And just enough, yummy snack portion wise, given that we'd both just had an ice cream. Next time we have to try the pesto filled crumbed mushrooms! YUM!

Oh, and I coined a new phrase/acronym... way back from the days of boywatching with Lownee, we have "DOA", which stands for either "Decreases on Approach" or "Dead on Arrival" depending on how bad the guy is when he gets closer up (I'll admit, it's all hers, but it's one I use ALL the time). Sadly I usually end up with quite a few of them when I'm out and about, since my long distance vision is the one that's fuzzy, and I don't wear my glasses when I'm out in the sunshine. Anyway, after walking behind this particular guy on Jetty Road... cute blonde hair, perfect Y shaped torso, shoulders for days... then overtaking him and getting a look at the front of him (just not right!) I came up with "BFR" or "Better From Rear"... *evil grin*

being sneaky 2007Anyway, we just kind of randomly drove down the road and ended up at Brighton, which we don't often do... although I did have a Camera Club shoot there, and we ended up there for my birthday last year...

It's a much quieter beach than Glenelg... and seems "cleaner" somehow... whether it's because there are just less people, or what, I don't know.

Both the shots in the post are from there... like I said, not a clear sky, but kinda interesting.

This sneaky, "I'm actually looking WAAAAAY over there, and my camera just happens to be pointed your way, and whoops I just took your photo", kind of deal was a little naughty I know, but I like the way it came out... all angled and with them only just on the very right of the frame. Plus I'm pretty sure the two guys are unidentifiable.

Speaking of questionable behaviour... no matter what I was doing camera-wise, I felt far more virtuous than the guy we kept seeing... initially he was at Glenelg... and was cycling around, which was fine, but he was wearing WHITE lycra bikeshorts... and it was VERY obvious he wasn't wearing a damn thing under them... which might have been okay, but he was probably in his 50's and not really that attractive. Then we happened to go past him as we were driving down to Brighton, and he'd taken off his top (not a good look) and because the Universe hated me just a little bit I was in a perfect position as we drove past to get a very brief but nauseating look that proved that he wasn't wearing anything under the shorts... and, for the record... EWWW!

Then he showed up again at Brighton... and cycled down the jetty towards the end. At this point he was only a bit ick... but then he fell over the line into full on creepy. Two different guys were wandering back down the jetty to the beach, shirtless, a little young, but cute enough... and he was following them... cycling very slowly behind them when he really had no reason to be. Perving on them as you (or they) go past is one thing... okay, the photo thing is a little sketchy, but I didn't follow them to take it, just snapped it as they were going past... but he just had CREEPY written all over him. And the white bikeshorts weren't helping his case in the slightest...

Anyway, enough about creepy old men...

We did the proverbial wander up and down the road at Brighton (I'm assuming it's also called Jetty Road... I think ALL the roads along the beach that lead directly to a jetty are called Jetty Road, which makes some kind of sense, but is a little confusing), didn't really see anything interesting... then had a little wandering drive further up the coast, then back to Glenelg.

We stopped off at Kmart on the way back... for no real reason, just because... but I kind of wanted to look for a new pair of thongs (flip flops, whatever)... which I really should have had with me the whole time... since my feet got a little overheated. To be honest, all my wardrobe choices weren't that great today... no thongs, black polo shirt... not the best plan. I ended up with just a plain black pair... I was originally going to go with a greeny camo pair, but they seemed a little pretentious... and I just couldn't bring myself to get the ones with James Dean on them... that just too many different kinds of not right.

I also happened to find one of those reusable shopping bags with Bumblebee from the new Transformers movie on it... okay, stop laughing... I've been sort of looking for one of them for a while... I'd seen them somewhere, then they disappeared and nobody seemed to have them... but the Kmart we were in did... so now I have one... YAAAAY me... okay, really... you can stop laughing at me now...

That was about the grand total of today's adventures....

Couple of other things I've been meaning to add, and since they all happened last Saturday I might as well add them in here...

Firstly, I heard back from the guy who wanted models to paint on for Feast... on Wednesday mind you... I emailed him Saturday, he didn't get back to me for four days... RUDE! Anyway, he was doing the painting early this afternoon in town, and it sounded like he was going to do everybody in one session. Now, while I was up for the whole painting thing, I thought it was going to be a one on one deal, not a mass disrobing experience (which I so wasn't up for)... plus he didn't actually give me any more information (well, except on the where and when) about exactly what his painting plan was in his email than he'd put in the original ad. So I sent him back a "sorry, can't make Saturday" email and haven't heard back since (not surprising really).

And speaking of not hearing back... it's not really going to come as any kind of surprise to anybody, but I didn't hear back from Mr Screamer after Saturday night's sauna visit... I know I said at the time that I would just assume that he wasn't going to call... and that's pretty much what I did... but in the back of my mind I gave him a week... we won't go into the whole delusional rationalisation that I went through so that made sense in my head... let's just say that I figured a week was a good length of time and leave it at that. And no surprise, haven't heard hide nor hair of him. To be honest, I'm leaning towards the "he swung past the nearest bin and ditched my number right after I gave it to him" school of thought. Oh well... I'll live.

Now I'm just tired and possibly a little sunburned... is it time for Doctor Who yet?

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Adelaide Airport was pretty cool. I was expecting a tin shed by the side of a field! *duck*. You should have been there a day later though if you were trying to stalk me!

yani said...

Damn! And I was out and about earlier today, I could have staked out the airport waiting to pounce on you! :P Not!

It's not a bad airport... although given the amount of trouble they had with it when it was first "finished", they might have been better off going with the tin shed idea... Also, you're a bitch! :P