
book character meme

I lifted this one from The Caffeinated Librarian last week, but it took longer than I expected to do... required some real thinking in a couple of cases...

List five of your favorite book characters.

  1. Philip Cavanaugh, Blue Heaven & Putting on the Ritz
    Urbane witty homo, okay, questionable taste in friends, but we can work on that.
  2. Granny Weatherwax, Discworld
    The witches are my favourite group of characters in the Discworld universe, and Granny has that whole smart and acerbic thing going that I really like.
  3. Michael "Mouse" Tolliver, Tales of the City
    In some ways, the homo I wanted to grow up to be.
  4. Nathaniel, Anita Blake
    Auburn haired, violet eyed, short, wereleopard stripper who likes it rough... need I say more. Actually I prefer him in the later books when he starts getting all domestic and has a backbone and opinions about things.
  5. Bartimaeus, The Bartimaeus Trilogy
    Yes, he's probably sass me and rip my arms and legs off as soon as look at me, but it's that witty, sarcastic, acerbic thing again.
If you were walking down a deserted alley at 2 am, which five fictional villains would you least like to run into?

  1. Voldemort, Harry Potter
    For obvious reasons... the whole "evil and hates muggles" thing really.
  2. Winnowill, Elfquest graphic novels
    Beautiful, but just psycho, especially as time went on... you know she'd be as likely to rip your face off as to say hello.
  3. Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
    Actually I suppose it would depend on whether you met him when he was being attractive and charming or when he was being a card carrying psycho... the psycho I could live without.
  4. Rainia, Anita Blake
    There are probably other incidental characters in Anita Blake who are scarier than Rainia, but for the whole deserted alley at 2am thing, I think she would just give you the willies.
  5. Death, Discworld
    I like the character, and I don't know that he's REALLY a villain... but if you run into him in a deserted alley at 2am, then you probably already dead, which is a bummer.
List five characters from either movies or TV that you'd love to read a book about.
  1. Plunkett & Maclean
    (and Rebecca) in their ongoing adventures once they get to America.
  2. Oren Ishii, Kill Bill
    It's a Lucy Lui fetish thing...
  3. Veronica Mars
    Cos I loves me some Veronica, and stupid Network Ten stopped playing them.
  4. The Diva, The Fifth Element
    She's so mysterious and vague in the movie, and you only get the slightest taste of her... I just want to know more.
  5. Kit Fisto, Star Wars I, II & III
    Green, aquatic, tentacle headed guy... I dunno, he just appeals to me.
If you were going to "ride off into the sunset" with a book character, who would it be?

Nathaniel, Anita Blake... see my earlier comments above.

If virual reality ever becomes a reality, which one book would you most like to be able to step into and explore?

It's a little out of left center, but Aquamarine by Mel Keegan... or else his NARC universe. Lots of boy on boy action, skimpy outfits and beautiful people.

Have you ever read a book, found a character who you really liked but then watched the author totally screw them over? If so, what characters would you like to be able to save from their authors.

I'll get the list...
  1. Hands down the first on the list would be Anita Blake... it's all hot steamy supernatural sex with people she's only just met with almost no plotline these days... preternatural porn if you will!
  2. The whole cast of the Pern novels by Anne McCaffrey... she should have just picked an end point and stopped... and now she's letting other people take over the writing of them.
  3. Lestat... after around Queen of the Damned... the whole Body Snatcher/Devil/Witches crossover stuff... blah...
  4. Dart and Kimo, Elfquest Graphic Novels. They had the chance to make a positive statement with a definitive male/male couple with ONE word and chose to go the "safe" route.
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