
unconscious mutterings 240

It's time to play Unconscious Mutterings again!

  1. Dork :: Me
  2. Refurbished :: Apartment
  3. Basket :: Crotch
  4. Mousse :: Vidal Sasoon
  5. Studio :: 2000
  6. 8 ball :: Pool
  7. Masking tape :: Painting
  8. Love :: Hate
  9. Wilder :: Gene
  10. Lindsey :: Lohan, unfortunately
Current Mood:


Muzbot said...

You're far from being a dork IMHO. Way too creative and imaginative for that.

yani said...

Awwwww... bless! Thanks Muz...

However that was honestly the very first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the word Dork, so maybe my subconscious knows something you don't ;)