
montage monday: public art

public art 2007Sweet Lord, what a morning...

Of course, first off we have a nice new Monday Montage from the Art Safari on Saturday... like I said, it was a little dull and cloudy, but there were some halfway decent shots in amongst them...

While I was out on my walk this morning I happened to hear a remix (or possibly the original, I forget now) of a dance track that set off a bunch of memories of Raury after finding out on Friday that he'd passed away... and figured that at some point this week I needed to bang out a "thoughts" post about him... so when I got home I did a different search from some of the other ones I've done in the past and actually found a big long post on one of the forum's he frequented that was basically everyone who'd known him there saying goodbye and whatnot... I ended up reading the whole things, having a bit of a cry a couple of times... etc, etc. But I'll blab more about that later in the week...

It did mean that I was running waaaaaay late for having a shower, and when I finally decided it was time to get my butt into gear, I went into the kitchen to put my cereal bowl in the sink and run some water in it... turned on the hot water... *trickle trickle trickle*... turned on the cold water... *trickle trickle trickle*... lovely! Then, grumbling to myself, I opened the curtains... well, one curtain actually, and saw the younger, slightly cute plumbing boy standing out in the yard by the shut off valve for the water mains.... "Ah-HA!"... plumbers plumbing... hence no water. I threw some jeans on and stuck my head out the door to ask him how long the water was going to be out... but it turned out he had no freakin idea, having only just rocked up (I think, well there were two vans out there, so it's possible).

I asked him if Stupid Landlord Man had asked them to take a look at my lukewarmer water heater, but again, vaguely docile... and they still haven't wandered back there to do anything, so we'll see I guess.

And of course, on top of all that I really need to go out to the supermarket to get some things, and you just know as soon as I do they're going to come knocking on my door about the hot water, and I won't be there... *mutters*

So, yeah, that's how my week started... what about yours?

Current Mood:

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