
seasonal hair adventures

random blonde dudeYaaaaay... Haircut Day...

Although, it's always fun when you unwittingly schedule Haircut Day for a day that's over 40°C ...


Anyway, I was originally going to bus it in, get my hair done and then Ma was going to come into town and meet me there before we took off for parts undecided... but while I was standing at the bus stop disgustingly early this morning (ie around 8:15am), she tootled on past in her car (headed for my place)... so I called her, we swapped cars (since I have aircon in mine and that would be better for running around in) and tootled off into town together.

She wandered about and basically tried to stay out of the heat while I went off and got new hair.

What I really love is when you get to the hairdressers and your designated hairdresser has been giving your haircut/colour some thought beforehand... yaaaaay...

And it's even better when the pair of you are on exactly the same page.

As usual I just let Tink do whatever she liked with the cut, so basically the same as usual, although a little bit shorter overall, since this is my Christmas haircut and has to last the two weeks until Christmas in some halfway decent shape. Although looking back on some of the earlier Hair Adventures, I forgot to tell her to texture the hell out of it...

Rather than either the Half and Half or the Half and Half and Half and Half (which we decided sounded like a German rock group... Haffundhaffundhaffundhaff) colour we had both independantly decided that we wanted to go with something that wouldn't throw as much red as my hair usually throws... my original thought process was actually something more in the brown family than the blonder family, but Tink had decided that we should try something more in the ash blonde genre which would cut the red, so we went with that instead.

It's not bad... way blonder than I had planned to go... but hey, there's nothing wrong with going blonde for Summer... and as I said when I got a good look at it, I've been blonder... waaaaaaay blonder than this...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

No green mohican then like your weather boy?! :P

yani said...

Nup... as a general rule I like to limit my hair colour choices to those that occur in nature... natural as in hair colour, not the wider range of colours in nature obviously... :P

S said...

The half and half and half and half?

Sometimes I wonder if it's worth keeping your natural colour than go through all of that.

yani said...

LOL... it's not like it's four seperate processes... it's just the ratio of the mixture... she did explain it to me once, but I forget why it's four halves.