
my ayurvedic body type

Maybe this explains why I can quite happily eat lemon wedges, and have a big old passion for sour lemon flavoured things...

pitta vataThe body type you were born with is called Pitta-Vata in Ayurvedic medicine

This means that most likely you have a medium bone structure and a regular metabolism.

However, your body type does include secondary characteristics of the Vata type, which may influence you to be articulate and watchful. Your constitution also leads us to believe that you are both driven and competitive.

A key component to an Ayurvedic lifestyle is to eat, live and interact with the world according to your natural body type. In relation to eating, Primary Pitta types should be eating foods that taste pungent, sour, or salty.

Ayurveda Body Type Test

Current Mood:

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