
myer bit me!

myerAnd for once I don't mean that in the figurative sense...

Ma and I went off to take in some of the Post Christmas Sale madness down at Marion (more shops all in one place, so less wasting of time going from here to there to everywhere)... and possibly because we waited until the weekend it wasn't, overall, as productive a day out as it could have been... but it might be around the same as last year's adventures... maybe a little less so... oh, who knows...

Although it wasn't too bad overall really... we got a few bits and piece in Target's rapidly dwindling Christmas department... one or two bits in the same department in Myer... then went downstairs to their stationery department... where we found these ENORMOUS Christmas bags... and I mean ENORMOUS... had been $5 (which was impressive anyway), were half price... so we couldn't walk away from them...

Unfortunately as we made our way into the department... I wasn't completely paying attention to where I was walking and walked into the edge of one of the glass shelves (plus, when I looked at it later, the shelf was actually longer than the shelf below it and stuck out into the aisle a bit)... rather hard actually... hitting the inside bend of my elbow...

I thought I'd just kinda scuffed the skin, no drama... then it started to bleed a tiny bit... so not a scuff, but a scratch... then it really started to bleed... yep, I'd cut the rather tender flesh on the inside of my elbow... when I went back to look at the shelf I realised why... damn edge of the shelf, right where I caught myself... broken... so it had essentially become a sharp sticky-outie piece of glass...

Less happy...

I mostly stopped the bleeding with a tissue... although every time I took the tissue/pressure off it would kind of start again... so when we went to the counter to buy the bags we told the nice girly behind the counter... who was very apologetic, then went off to get me a bandaid, a little alcohol swab thing to clean it up (which stung like the blazes), and some of that brown antiseptic stuff (Betadine I think?)... awwww nice retail girly....

And sadly, if it hadn't been for the fact that the little plastic corner that's supposed to protect you from banging yourself on the shelves had come off, I would have been fine...

After being wounded I bravely soldiered on *rolls eyes*... and scored yet another calendar (what, it was half price, and it doesn't have doodle in it, so I can actually hang it in the kitchen... although I'm not sure what calendar I'm hanging where as yet)... and a discounted bamboo curtain thing to hang in the front door to stop my nosey neighbours gawping as they go past (and because the plastic one I currently have flies here there and everywhere in the wind)...

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Anonymous said...

awweh! poor yaniboy! i share your pain. the myer in town was worse. I got my skirt caught in the elscelator since some security man stoppped right at the top to ask someone something! took half an hour to get it untangled n stuff. poor skirt ;.;. Yanni (not joo) and I have vowed never to go there again. i think you should do the same lols.

- lotsa love, jess..wait..WaterMelody..wait..omg D:

Tom said...

Ouch! :(

Hope it feels better! Have a Happy New Year! :)

Sunshine said...

What a bloodbath! Those post-Christmas sales are evil, I tell ya. :P