
chocolate overload...

i'm so augustus right nowOh lordy, lordy, lordy...

I'll dish more of the dirt tomorrow... but I spent the whole day today at Ma's making various and sundry mostly chocolate related Christmas treats...

And of course, as one makes things, one samples a little here... licks one's fingers there... spills a little mixture here... cleans the spoon afterwards there...

I believe I've possibly eaten more chocolate today than I possibly have for, oh, I don't know... the past two months...

That might be a little bit of an exaggeration... but I am now feeling a little green around the gills...

Urgh... it's so brown rice and tuna all day tomorrow... well, it would be if I actually had any brown rice... maybe I'll just walk extra vigorously in the morning...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

LOL - Sam and I have chocolate for breakfast on weekends. :P