
control freakin'

confessions of a control freakI'm a control freak... I know this...

I know that if I'm not the one to do something then it won't get done in a proper or timely fashion...

And yes, I know that should be at odds with the fact that I'm also a procrastinator, but somehow it never is...

It's even worse then the thing in question is something for somebody else... and then you have to farm it out to a third party... and that third party has had the item in question for weeks and weeks and still hasn't "gotten around to it"... and then you're all stuck in the middle because you feel like you're letting down the person it's for, but at the same time you don't want to come off as nagging or annoying for the person who's doing it for you... especially when it's basically a favour... and you also need to ask said person at least two additional favours in the not too distant future...

Even worse that that is when it's multiple items... one of which is delaying you from doing something you should have done over a week ago... the other being something with a very definite deadline which isn't only for a third person, but it's also for that third person to give to two OTHER people...

And what's even even worse is when you try calling person in question twice, get voicemail both times, leave messages both times... and then get told "oh, I'm using the new work phone, I haven't checked my other phone in a couple of days"...

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