I don't know whether it's all in my head or not, but I FEEL thinner in this shirt... maybe it's because the shirt actually fits me properly, so I'm not swamped by all the extra fabric... or it could just be because I KNOW the shirt is two sizes smaller, and yet it fits me comfortably, so my brain fills in the gaps on it's own...
I've made a bunch of changes in the last couple of days though... I changed clothes sizes, which changed the way I feel... it also means I'm going to have to change my wardrobe again (although not on the same scale obviously)... even if I only take out the same number of old shirts as the new shirts I've added...
I also changed around some of the stuff in the lounge room yesterday... because I got all those new DVDs for Christmas I had to put them somewhere... and interestingly enough the universe did provide me with a free cabinet... I actually found it on the footpath outside somebody's house on my way back from my walk and brought it home for Ma (since she's been whinging about wanting somewhere to store both her DVDs and CDs for what feels like ever)... but then she was undecided about it (mostly because it was about 4 foot tall and black), so I've ended up using it. And yesterday I moved my CD rack to the opposite side of the lounge and put the DVD cabinet in it's place (which also meant I have more surfaces to put the tchotchka I got for Christmas)...
And the bookcases got some minor changes so that I could fit in my new books... which then meant that I reorganised things so that my Oz figure from Buffy was in a better spot...
I also changed over from my old and rusted shower caddy, to the gleaming new all plastic "Shower Shelf"... which sits a little high and kinda seems like it might collect water if I don't fiddle with it... but is a vast improvement on the crappy old one.
Then this morning I decided that it didn't make much sense to have to keep going into the cupboard for my Weetbix when I have them in a very presentable nostalgic looking tin (from their 70th birthday back in 1998) and I could put it on the shelf in the place of the rice and sugar which I don't use anywhere near as often...
I also had a brief moment of "I'm taking control of my environment" this morning on my way out... there have been these dumb directory things (not phone books, but something similar I think) sitting on the top of the letter boxes since the week before last, and everyone who's wanted one would have taken them by now (especially since the ones that were left seemed to be getting all damp and manky)... so this morning I just dumped all the unused ones in the trash... then I realised that the three broken chairs that I can see every time I look out of my lounge room window were right there, broken and unappealing... so I briefly channelled Skateboard Boy and did what he would have done... broke up the chairs into manageable sections and threw them in our bigass wheelie bins too... damn it felt good to randomly destroy something, especially since it made my world a more attractive place in the process...
I know that part of all this change is just the usual post Christmas readjustment, where you suddenly have to make room in what had been a stable environment for all these new items (some of which you didn't know you wanted until you got them)... and, for the most part, I think I've done all the sorting and changing and rearranging I'll be doing... well, except for the wardrobe, but that's about a five minute thing... or at least until I remove my few Christmas decorations from around the place, and then probably do a big dust-n-sort of ALL of my tchotchka... rearrange it... that kind of thing...
Oh, and then there's the whole "new template" thing I have to come up with at some point next week...
I am wondering though whether all this minor changing around of stuff is partly the build up to New Years, and also the fact that I REALLY want some changes in my life... and since I can't control the changes that I really want to happen, I figure I might as well change the things I do have control of... if I'm lucky the big things will follow on their own... but somehow I'm not sure about that...
At least it leaves me with a very neat, tidy and organised house in the meantime...
Current Mood:

From one Adelaidian to the next. Happy Christmas Yaniblog. Keep up the good work. Santa was so generous for you.
The Pink Pen might be about to find himself in Paris for New Year. That would be almost my only Christmas present.
The Pink Pen
Manky. New word of the day.
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