There's the two hot guy cards, which I actually bought myself and which come out every Christmas (well, except for one year when I couldn't find the damn things)... the shirtless Santa is from Lip International and Rudolph is by Glen Hanson... and while I think Santa came from somewhere cool and groovy in the city, Rudy was found quite by accident in a newsagents in the middle of suburbia...
The purple baubles are actually one of the things Ma and I bought last year to add to various parcels this year... but when I got them out I figured I could make better use of them by leaving them in the box. Plus, purple...
The longlegged Santas and snowmen came from Target a couple of years ago, marked down during the after Christmas sales... in the case of the snowman in the bathtub, he was originally $19.99, but was marked down to $2.49... gotta love a bargain...
And finally, my little neon Christmas tree... which is just so tacky I think it goes all the way around to cute again... the tree part is green, the star is red... so cute, so tacky...
Oh, and in amongst the rest of the Christmas sales items, Ma found two additional sets of fairy lights that she'd gotten for 60c a piece... so I was able to replace my now defunct lights... yaaay.
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