Since Ma was off having her Birthday Haircut, I was flying solo first thing this morning... and I kinda assumed that she would take longer with her haircut and what-have-you, so I didn't exactly rush leaving the house... then just after I got to the supermarket, Ma called to say that she was done with her haircut and was on the way down...
I then proceeded to do a very, very, very speedy shop... although, if I'm being honest, I don't know how much different it would have been if I hadn't been working under the time constraint... except maybe I would have gone across the road to try and track down a large bottle of Nippy's Tangy Lemon... can't seem to find one for love nor money at the moment... at least in the couple of places I've tried...
So after flying around the supermarket, I jumped back in the car, and after a quick detour to see the Honey Man and a second stop to pick up my dry cleaning, I made it home just after Ma... I'm pretty sure it was just after her anyway... I thought I saw her car turn down my street when I was waiting at the lights further down, but I never asked her about it...
Anyway, I wished her Happy Birthday and doled out her presents while I was unpacking my shopping... she was very pleased with it all (the presents, that is, not the shopping), even the craptastic pink seahorse thingy... and she was just as interested in what the hell it might have been as I was.
Of course then we had to go out and put her new car seat covers on... it was so nice to actually be able to throw the fugly fluffy pink ones in the bin too... the new ones look really nice... they're actually almost a perfect match for the colour of Ma's car, and the interior too... scary, but cool. They'll take a little while to settle in, but I think the ugly pink ones did too.
After we'd finished all that it was only about 10:30, but we decided we might as well head down to Marion, wander around a bit, do some random shopping and whatnot before the movie... and I drove down there (because, you know, full service birthday)...
And wander around we did...
We pretty much did most of everything we usually do at Marion... browsed books, looked for discount DVDs, checked out tchotchka... so nothing new there really...
I did end up getting Ma another couple of little bits and pieces present-wise while we were out... she was skimming through the new Heath Ledger photo biography book and mentioned that we really needed to get Casanova... and I remembered that we'd gone past it on one of the discount tables on the way in, so I swung back and grabbed a copy... then she wanted to troll through Diva (because she'd changed her outfit before we left the house and her necklace didn't match her top... plus she's kinda been after a purple necklace for a while now), and she found two in their sale section... one of which I really liked, so when she came out I gave her the $5 and said the one I liked was from me...
I also bought myself a little pendant thing from some other store... one of the Bico ones... Cassini, which supposedly stands for "dreamer"... which I figured was appropriate. The only problem being that while it goes on the cheapo necklace I have currently, it doesn't really go with it properly... so I might have to end up buying a Bico necklace to go with it... perhaps something in rubber...
Eventually we figured we should stop and get a little lunch... so we did, at the same place we always seem to go when we're doing "proper food" at Marion... and then went for another little wander... but we were pretty much finished wandering around by maybe 2pm... and the movie didn't start until 3:40... which was a bit of a bummer...
We ended up wandering about aimlessly for a bit, and then went upstairs to the cinema...
I'll blog about the actual movie seperately... but I have to say... all those groups of women (and usually in fours, which was a little weird) going to Sex and the City... just tragic... and they just seemed to be EVERYWHERE... getting in the way and taking up space... grrrr...
And that was about it for the day really... other than the movie obviously... we came out of the cinema at about 6:30, trundled back here and then Ma took herself home... a good day was had by all...
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