Actually there wasn't really that much proper shopping that went on today... a few choice items, but it was pretty much one of those "all over the place" days...
The Supermarket Routine was, unsurprisingly, routine... I seem to mostly be buying the same few things week after week at the moment... with the occasional variation depending on my mood, but it's easier to just buy the same kinds of things so that I have a vague idea about what I'll end up making for dinner.
Helpful, yes... boring, perhaps...
On the way back we called into Godfreys so that I could look at dustbusters (again... I went in a few weeks ago to kick the proverbial tyres and look at what they had, but I didn't end up buying anything)... I don't know if it would have been a better idea to buy a cheap-ass vacuum, but I really don't have anywhere to store one (if it comes to that I have no idea where I'm going to end up putting the dustbuster)... and the slightly docile salesdude did attempt briefly to upsell me to either one of those "stick vacs" (the dustbuster that's build into a handle, which only start at like $100+) or a big vacuum... but I shut him down and ended up buying just a fairly standard, if not overly powerful, Black and Decker model.
After the Ritual Unpacking we headed into town... for no real reason... but we were both thinking that town sounded plan-like... so town it was...
Ma is thinking about getting some new walking sneakers, so we headed over to Joggers World... which was entertaining... we got mugged by one of the overly helpful salesdudes (and it must have been chilly in the store because he has nipples you could have cut glass with poking through his white top) and the next thing I know he has Ma on a treadmill doing an analysis of her walking stride... if I wasn't still knee-impaired I probably would have done one myself, but not only would it probably not have been a good idea to jump on a treadmill just currently, but it also wouldn't have been a true indication of my walk. Later though!
We wandered here, there and everywhere in town... and failing to find anything I was looking for, we decided that since it was still early enough we could go down to Marion and find the stuff that we were both looking for down there.
So that makes three weeks out of the last four that I've ended up at Marion...
While we weren't there very long we did both find what we wanted... I was after a couple of the Bico chokers to go with the pendant I bought last week, and got two, one in black rubber (oooooh-errrrrrr) and one in black leather with like a ring on it (CL5 and CL2 respectively if anybody cares... although it's kind of annoying that they have all these groovy names for their pendants and stuff, but nobody thought to have some good names left over for the things that the pendants hang on)... and Ma found the steering wheel cover that matches the car seat covers I got her for her birthday... actually we found it last week, and I offered to buy if for her as an adjunct to her birthday presents, but she was being indecisive and so nothing happened...
But now the weather has turned cold, and her steering wheel has become cold in the mornings, so she decided she wanted a cover... Mothers!
So yeah, that was about it... we went a bit all over everywhere, but appropriate purchases were made...
Current Mood:

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