
looooong meme

Good lord this is a looooooooong meme... but then I should have guessed that from the 100 questions, and the fact that both Tom and Sunshine complained about how long it was. So long, in fact, that I can't be bothered doing my usual overlinkage thing... maybe I'll come back later and link things.

  1. Are your parents married or divorced?
    Divorced, and have always been so... well, not always obviously, but for my whole life...

  2. Are you a vegetarian?
    Not really... sometimes I kind of am, I eat a lot of veg, and I hardly ever eat like a steak, but I do eat some red meat and a hell of a lot of chicken.

  3. Do you believe in Heaven?
    "Heaven"? With the god and the angels and the harps and stuff? No... do I believe there's somewhere you go after you die... yes.

  4. Have you ever come close to dying?
    I kinda nearly drowned once... but I don't know that I was actually in imminent danger of death or anything.

  5. What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
    Just my Livestrong bracelet and my earring.

  6. Are you eating chewing gum at the moment?
    I can pretty much say that the answer to that is no pretty much 24/7... I'm not a big one for the chewie gum.

  7. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
    Sometimes... if I feel like it I will chop them up and throw them in whatever I'm cooking, but not always.

  8. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
    In theory, yes... but then I see those "instant makeover" shows and look at the amount of pain they go through afterwards and think, hell no.

  9. What do you wear to bed?
    My undies... I just can't sleep bareassed... I've tried, and, well, "things" aren't comfortable.

  10. Have you ever done anything illegal?
    Yes, yes I have.

  11. Can you roll your tongue?

  12. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
    *looks around his empty apartment*... Errr... no.

  13. Do you believe in abortions?
    I believe that I don't have a uterus, so I have no right to say what someone can or cannot do with theirs.

  14. Future child's name, boy and girl?
    You know, having been a big homo my whole entire life I never really indulged in this...

  15. Do you smoke?

  16. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

  17. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
    No, just a five foot long body pillow. I used to though.

  18. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
    Move house.

  19. Gold or silver?

  20. Hamburger or hot dog?
    Hamburger... with the lot

  21. City, beach or country?
    City probably... provided it's near-ish a beach.

  22. What was the last thing you touched?
    The mouse.

  23. Where did you eat last?
    On the couch.

  24. When was the last time you cried?
    I don't remember exactly... I think it was a couple of weeks ago... and it wasn't a full on cry... just a little tear up.

  25. Do you read blogs?
    No, I just look at the pretty pictures...

  26. What colour are your pants?
    Denim coloured... I'm wearing jeans.

  27. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
    Possibly... given the right outfit and an experienced makeup artist.

  28. Ever been involved with the police?

  29. What's your favourite shampoo/conditioner and soap?
    I don't really have a favourite shampoo/condition, although I do tend to use the Sunsilk Men's shampoo a lot (they discontinued the conditioner, the bastards)... and I don't use soap, I use Lynx Bodywash.

  30. Do you talk in your sleep?
    Not to my knowledge.

  31. Ocean or pool?

  32. What's your favourite song at the moment?
    Anything with a nice strong beat to it... honestly I don't know that I have a particular fave at present, dull I know, but true.

  33. Have you ever had a cavity/fillings?
    Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... yes.

  34. Window seat or aisle seats?
    Window, last time I had an aisle seat I spent the whole flight feeling like I was going to throw up.

  35. Ever met anyone famous?
    Local famous... not famous famous.

  36. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?

  37. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
    Twirl and bite.

  38. What is your favourite sport to play?
    Grecian wrestling... think about it.

  39. Basketball or football?

  40. When was the last time you went to the bathroom?
    Ummmm... I remember being busting to go when I got home from work, but I don't remember going since then.

  41. Do you drive with a gear stick?
    No. I like me some point and press driving.

  42. Are you self-conscious?

  43. Have you ever given money to a bum?
    Not that I remember.

  44. Have you been in love?

  45. Where do you wish you were?
    Anywhere but here.

  46. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
    Yes, just the once though.

  47. Can you tango?
    Not that I'm aware of, but I don't think I've ever tangoed.

  48. Last gift you received?
    Ma bought me Bring It On.

  49. What occasion did you receive your gift?
    It was a Tuesday.

  50. Last thing you spent lots of money on?
    Me, personally... that would be my sexy red sofa.

  51. Where do you live?
    In my delusions mostly.

  52. Last wedding attended?
    My cousin's wedding some years ago.

  53. Favourite restaurant?
    Beyond India in North Adelaide.

  54. What is your favourite kind of car?
    Suzuki X-90... don't ask me why, it just us.

  55. Most hated food(s)?
    Peanut butter.

  56. Most loved food(s)?

  57. Can you sing?
    That's possibly a matter of opinion, but I can sing along with things.

  58. Person on your mind?

  59. What's your least favourite chore(s)?
    Cleaning the bathroom.

  60. Favourite drink?
    Farmers Union Iced Coffee.

  61. How long was your longest drive in a car?
    That would be the night that Ludo and I went driving after seeing a band and got lost and ended up miles and miles and miles away in the middle of the night, thought we saw a UFO, nearly ran out of petrol and had to wake a nice man up and make him fill up our tank in his jammies.

  62. How often do you smile?
    As often as appropriate.

  63. What was the last thing you said?
    "Pencil... and... pad."

  64. What is something you've learned about yourself recently?
    That sometimes I just need to whinge and then everything seems better (ie after Wednesday's whinge I had an almost perfectly timed day on Thursday).

  65. What colour is your watch?
    Mobile phone coloured.

  66. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
    After what I've been doing this week, travel websites.

  67. When was the last time you squatted to pee?
    Um, I own a penis, so I don't think I've EVER squatted to pee. Sat, yes, squatted no.

  68. Are you close to your mum?
    Hell yes.

  69. Where does your best friend work?

  70. What is your least attractive feature?
    My temper.

  71. Do you have a roommate?

  72. Do you prefer paper or plastic?

  73. What colour is your bedroom flooring?
    Same colour as my loungeroom flooring, oatmeal with brown speckles.

  74. Do you have a chair in your room?
    Yes, and I'm sitting in it while I type this.

  75. What time of day were you born?
    Around 4am, give or take.

  76. Do you know anyone engaged?

  77. What's your favourite number?
    7... or 14... or 3... or 74... but mostly 7.

  78. Do you know anyone named Laurie?
    No, I do not.

  79. Do you have a dog?
    Nope... I'm a cat person anyway... actually I'm not really a "pet" person.

  80. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
    Yes, tons of them. The Court of King Caractacus springs to mind.

  81. When was the last time you went swimming?
    Probably the last time I went to the sauna.

  82. Has your luggage ever got lost?
    No. But then I've only taken four plane trips (two there and two back).

  83. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
    School camp, yes.

  84. Do you play an instrument?
    Just the skin flute. Damn, I have a filthy mind tonight.

  85. Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?
    Can I smash it over somebody's head? Other than that, no.

  86. Do you like fire?
    I'm not a pyromaniac if that's what you're asking, but yes, I like fire.

  87. Are you allergic to anything?
    Other than stupid people, no.

  88. Have you ever been to a spa?
    A "beauty spa", no...

  89. Were you popular in high school?
    Oh god no.

  90. Did you take science all four years of high school?
    Well, for a start, here in Australia we do five years of high school... but I think I only did a science course for three of those five years.

  91. Do you like butterflies?
    Yes. On toast. Just kidding, yeah, sure I like them... what kind of person hates butterflies.

  92. What is the last book you read?
    Northern Lights by Philip Pullman.

  93. Do you like Coke or Pepsi more?
    It always used to be Pepsi, Pepsi Max in fact... but these days it's pretty much 50% Vanilla Coke and 50% Pepsi Max.

  94. What is one thing you miss about your past?

  95. Did you ever see the school nurse?
    I'm not even sure that we HAD a school nurse... so I'm guessing that's a no.

  96. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
    Never, ever, ever, ever... I did want to be a librarian for a while though.

  97. What is one thing you've learned about life?
    You can answer just about any question regarding people with the answer "Stupid".

  98. Are you jealous of anyone?

  99. Is anyone jealous of you?

  100. When was the last time you were in an elevator?
    Around 4:20pm this afternoon, just after I knocked off work.
Current Mood:

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