Good lord this is a looooooooong meme... but then I should have guessed that from the 100 questions, and the fact that both
Tom and Sunshine complained about how long it was. So long, in fact, that I can't be bothered doing my usual overlinkage thing... maybe I'll come back later and link things.
- Are your parents married or divorced?
Divorced, and have always been so... well, not always obviously, but for my whole life...
- Are you a vegetarian?
Not really... sometimes I kind of am, I eat a lot of veg, and I hardly ever eat like a steak, but I do eat some red meat and a hell of a lot of chicken.
- Do you believe in Heaven?
"Heaven"? With the god and the angels and the harps and stuff? No... do I believe there's somewhere you go after you die... yes.
- Have you ever come close to dying?
I kinda nearly drowned once... but I don't know that I was actually in imminent danger of death or anything.
- What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
Just my Livestrong bracelet and my earring.
- Are you eating chewing gum at the moment?
I can pretty much say that the answer to that is no pretty much 24/7... I'm not a big one for the chewie gum.
- Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Sometimes... if I feel like it I will chop them up and throw them in whatever I'm cooking, but not always.
- Would you ever have plastic surgery?
In theory, yes... but then I see those "instant makeover" shows and look at the amount of pain they go through afterwards and think, hell no.
- What do you wear to bed?
My undies... I just can't sleep bareassed... I've tried, and, well, "things" aren't comfortable.
- Have you ever done anything illegal?
Yes, yes I have.
- Can you roll your tongue?
- Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
*looks around his empty apartment*... Errr... no.
- Do you believe in abortions?
I believe that I don't have a uterus, so I have no right to say what someone can or cannot do with theirs.
- Future child's name, boy and girl?
You know, having been a big homo my whole entire life I never really indulged in this...
- Do you smoke?
- If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
- Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No, just a five foot long body pillow. I used to though.
- If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Move house.
- Gold or silver?
- Hamburger or hot dog?
Hamburger... with the lot
- City, beach or country?
City probably... provided it's near-ish a beach.
- What was the last thing you touched?
The mouse.
- Where did you eat last?
On the couch.
- When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember exactly... I think it was a couple of weeks ago... and it wasn't a full on cry... just a little tear up.
- Do you read blogs?
No, I just look at the pretty pictures...
- What colour are your pants?
Denim coloured... I'm wearing jeans.
- Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Possibly... given the right outfit and an experienced makeup artist.
- Ever been involved with the police?
- What's your favourite shampoo/conditioner and soap?
I don't really have a favourite shampoo/condition, although I do tend to use the Sunsilk Men's shampoo a lot (they discontinued the conditioner, the bastards)... and I don't use soap, I use Lynx Bodywash.
- Do you talk in your sleep?
Not to my knowledge.
- Ocean or pool?
- What's your favourite song at the moment?
Anything with a nice strong beat to it... honestly I don't know that I have a particular fave at present, dull I know, but true.
- Have you ever had a cavity/fillings?
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha... yes.
- Window seat or aisle seats?
Window, last time I had an aisle seat I spent the whole flight feeling like I was going to throw up.
- Ever met anyone famous?
Local famous... not famous famous.
- Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
- Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirl and bite.
- What is your favourite sport to play?
Grecian wrestling... think about it.
- Basketball or football?
- When was the last time you went to the bathroom?
Ummmm... I remember being busting to go when I got home from work, but I don't remember going since then.
- Do you drive with a gear stick?
No. I like me some point and press driving.
- Are you self-conscious?
- Have you ever given money to a bum?
Not that I remember.
- Have you been in love?
- Where do you wish you were?
Anywhere but here.
- Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yes, just the once though.
- Can you tango?
Not that I'm aware of, but I don't think I've ever tangoed.
- Last gift you received?
Ma bought me Bring It On.
- What occasion did you receive your gift?
It was a Tuesday.
- Last thing you spent lots of money on?
Me, personally... that would be my sexy red sofa.
- Where do you live?
In my delusions mostly.
- Last wedding attended?
My cousin's wedding some years ago.
- Favourite restaurant?
Beyond India in North Adelaide.
- What is your favourite kind of car?
Suzuki X-90... don't ask me why, it just us.
- Most hated food(s)?
Peanut butter.
- Most loved food(s)?
- Can you sing?
That's possibly a matter of opinion, but I can sing along with things.
- Person on your mind?
- What's your least favourite chore(s)?
Cleaning the bathroom.
- Favourite drink?
Farmers Union Iced Coffee.
- How long was your longest drive in a car?
That would be the night that Ludo and I went driving after seeing a band and got lost and ended up miles and miles and miles away in the middle of the night, thought we saw a UFO, nearly ran out of petrol and had to wake a nice man up and make him fill up our tank in his jammies.
- How often do you smile?
As often as appropriate.
- What was the last thing you said?
"Pencil... and... pad."
- What is something you've learned about yourself recently?
That sometimes I just need to whinge and then everything seems better (ie after Wednesday's whinge I had an almost perfectly timed day on Thursday).
- What colour is your watch?
Mobile phone coloured.
- What do you think of when you think of Australia?
After what I've been doing this week, travel websites.
- When was the last time you squatted to pee?
Um, I own a penis, so I don't think I've EVER squatted to pee. Sat, yes, squatted no.
- Are you close to your mum?
Hell yes.
- Where does your best friend work?
- What is your least attractive feature?
My temper.
- Do you have a roommate?
- Do you prefer paper or plastic?
- What colour is your bedroom flooring?
Same colour as my loungeroom flooring, oatmeal with brown speckles.
- Do you have a chair in your room?
Yes, and I'm sitting in it while I type this.
- What time of day were you born?
Around 4am, give or take.
- Do you know anyone engaged?
- What's your favourite number?
7... or 14... or 3... or 74... but mostly 7.
- Do you know anyone named Laurie?
No, I do not.
- Do you have a dog?
Nope... I'm a cat person anyway... actually I'm not really a "pet" person.
- Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
Yes, tons of them. The Court of King Caractacus springs to mind.
- When was the last time you went swimming?
Probably the last time I went to the sauna.
- Has your luggage ever got lost?
No. But then I've only taken four plane trips (two there and two back).
- Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
School camp, yes.
- Do you play an instrument?
Just the skin flute. Damn, I have a filthy mind tonight.
- Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?
Can I smash it over somebody's head? Other than that, no.
- Do you like fire?
I'm not a pyromaniac if that's what you're asking, but yes, I like fire.
- Are you allergic to anything?
Other than stupid people, no.
- Have you ever been to a spa?
A "beauty spa", no...
- Were you popular in high school?
Oh god no.
- Did you take science all four years of high school?
Well, for a start, here in Australia we do five years of high school... but I think I only did a science course for three of those five years.
- Do you like butterflies?
Yes. On toast. Just kidding, yeah, sure I like them... what kind of person hates butterflies.
- What is the last book you read?
Northern Lights by Philip Pullman.
- Do you like Coke or Pepsi more?
It always used to be Pepsi, Pepsi Max in fact... but these days it's pretty much 50% Vanilla Coke and 50% Pepsi Max.
- What is one thing you miss about your past?
- Did you ever see the school nurse?
I'm not even sure that we HAD a school nurse... so I'm guessing that's a no.
- Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Never, ever, ever, ever... I did want to be a librarian for a while though.
- What is one thing you've learned about life?
You can answer just about any question regarding people with the answer "Stupid".
- Are you jealous of anyone?
- Is anyone jealous of you?
- When was the last time you were in an elevator?
Around 4:20pm this afternoon, just after I knocked off work.
Current Mood:
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