
photo friday: old fence

old fence 2002I honestly don't remember where I took this shot... and being another shot from around 2002 it's not really that surprising... I was obviously out and about somewhere different, but I don't remember a location. It's pretty though.

I was flicking through my folder of potential PF shots and was trying to work out what to use... something bright and sunny since it's been so dull and dreary here of late? Something nostalgic and architectural like last week? Something slightly more recent? And then I looked at this shot and just felt this sense of peace and stillness from it, and knew that that was it... that's really what I've been missing for a while now, that sense of peace and just being able to be still.

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll be doing well on monday, just remember there's a sunny spot on the other side of the fence...

aka: you have an income for the next 6 to 8 weeks