
unconscious mutterings 224

Yes, it's time to empty the litter tray of my mind with Unconscious Mutterings...

  1. Coastguard :: Baywatch

  2. Buddies :: Fuck

  3. Nap :: Nanna

  4. Groan :: Moan

  5. Sitcom :: Laughtrack

  6. Reader :: Digest

  7. Heroes :: Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!

  8. Amazing :: Grace

  9. Woman :: Man

  10. Don't! :: Tell
Current Mood:


Tom said...

Baywatch takes me back.... hours and hours of pretending to be interested in pamela's appendages for a 5 second glimpse of a fit guy in speedos! :P

yani said...

I only ever watched it in the days BEFORE Pammy Plastic... which is possibly worse somehow, since the entire cast was much less attractive back then.