Or maybe I've just been working around this end of town for far too long and the odds that I'm going to run into everyone I've ever met at some point is fairly high.
I suppose if you count the people who actually work in the building that I keep running into downstairs while we're both actually outside of the building, then it's less of a Mystical Universal Convergence Point, since that happens just about every time I'm in here... I end up running into SOMEBODY I know from the building. But it's the people from outside the building that surprise me.
This morning it wasn't just one, but two people... Firstly it was the ever lovely Penguin (there's that "animal codename" thing again), who was actually the reason why I started getting all these web publishing gigs in the first place, and who got me into the Online Services area in the first place because he was going off on a month's leave. You gotta love the Pink Mafia... although, to be honest, before we discovered he was actually GayPenguin, rather than just RegularPenguin, one of my former receptionist girlybuds and I were convinced that he was trying to hit on her (and it was she and I together who gave him the Penguin nickname... something about the way he walked I think)... I can't remember now whether it was due to finding his profile on Gaydar that I realised he batted for my team... actually, I really, really can't remember any more... but there's been a lot of water under the proverbial bridge since then.
Now that I attempt to dredge up the memory, it might have been something to do with the temp agency Christmas party that me, Penguin and Reception Girly all went to (all being from the same agency)... and a chat we had on the way down there. Or maybe that combined with seeing his profile... I honestly don't remember.
Getting back to the present... Penguin made mention of the fact that I looked thinner and that it looked good, so he can stay... compliments are just the thing a boy needs to start his day off well... and Penguin so knows the feeling, since when I met him he was much heavier than he is now. Interestingly though I've never had a crush on him... even after he lost all the weight.
Anyway, while I was down there talking to him (and, the Universe is definitely messing with me, since he told me that he called my agency recently since he had about a week and a half's work for me... while I'm already working... for the first time in *mumble mumble* years, I have some semi-ongoing work, and THAT'S the time he chooses to need me... stoopid Universe)... where the hell was I... oh yeah... standing down there chatting and who should happen to walk past, smile and nod but a guy I used to work with when I worked for the Magistrates Court about a hundred billion years ago. And the weird thing is, out of all the people that I ever worked with at the Courts (and there were many of them), he's the only one I ever seem to see around the place with any regularity... or at least the only one that I see and recognise.
Speaking of people you don't recognise! One of the many and varied downsides to being a temp, especially when you keep coming back to different floors and different units in the same building, is that while people know you, you don't always know them... case in point on Friday... I was flitting around between floors getting some stuff for the website (photos from PR, copies of Photoshop, that kind of thing) and ran into a woman up on the Online Services floor (actually she let me in the door), and she seemed to know me, called me by name and everything... and then, when I came to leave, she was leaving at the same time, so we ended up taking the elevator down together... and she chatted away with me about where I was now and what I was up to and this, that and the other... and I swear, I had NO IDEA who this woman was... NONE... not even a vague clue to say "oh yes, I might not remember your name or anything about you, but I know that when I was working with XYZ, you were on that floor"... nup, nada, zip, zilch. She did look a teeny tiny little bit familiar though, and she did know me. I half wanted to just say to her "look, I don't want to be rude, but I really, truly don't remember you from a bar of soap... can you give me a frame of reference as to where I know you from?"... but of course I didn't.
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