

negativeYou know when you're little and your mother tells you "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"? Well, that's a whole world of me today...

Actually, thinking about it, I don't know that Ma ever actually said that to me... but it's one of those things mothers are SUPPOSED to say.

I'm just in that kind of really negativity mood... but I'm not going to riff on it, because I did that once before and it didn't really make things any better... so I choose to say nothing at all and keep my cranky to myself...

Current Mood:


Sunshine said...

We must be on opposite ends of the cosmic spectrum today.

Hope you're feeling better though. Sending you xxoo from Brissy. :)

Tom said...

LOL! I started off the day bright and happy a la Sunshine, and ended up cranky and stressed a la Yaniboy. Amazing what a day at work can do... grrr...

Anyway, hope you wake up bright and happy tomorrow!

Tom said...

PS: Is that you? :)

yani said...

LOL You wish Tom... and if that WAS me, don't you think I would be posting pics of myself all the time and maybe even indulging in some HNT action... :P