
photo friday: lifesaver flag

lifesaver flagGrowing up I never actually remember seeing lifeguard flags, or being instructed to "swim between the flags"... possibly because Adelaide sits inside a giant "bay" and isn't at the mercy of direct currents... or maybe they just never had them at the beaches we went to.

But when I see them around the place now and again they still have an element of novelty value about them... plus they make for good photos.

This was taken around my birthday when the days were longer and warmer and sunnier... not that I mind the whole winter thing, actually I prefer it, but the sunny thing is nice.

Current Mood:


Larry said...

You know it's funny because Australian lifeguards came up in a phone conversation I had yesterday. My friend and I wondered why they always seem to wear ridiculously small speedos. We weren't complaining though :)

Tom said...

This is very weird... I'm in Belgium and everything is in Flemish. Not everything everything but just the blogger stuff. Gebruikersnaam and Wachtwoord seem to be username and password. Oh well.

Anyway... either you've done something clever with the perspective or that's a very short flag! I agree, there's something about them that makes a beach picture... sand and sea could be anywhere, but sand, sea and little yellow and red flag = quintessential Australia! :)

yani said...

I think it might be a trick of perspective... I was up on the jetty when I took the shot, and the flag was a long way off, plus the beach sloped away a bit...