Since today was an absolutely glorious sunny day, I figured that it would be a waste to just sit around the house, so I decided to head down to Port Adelaide and take some photos. I figured I could tape Queer Eye and leave at noon... but that meant that I needed some lunch, so I figured I would swing past the shops, grab something from Baker's Delight, and then drive down to the Port.
But, instead of just wacking the video on at roughly the right time and leaving it to do it's thing, for one reason and another (including discovering that Fred Savage is "playing gay" in this seemingly brand new sitcom, Crumbs, which they've started playing during the daytime here... who knew) I didn't leave the house when I'd originally intended to.
Anyway, I parked the car, ducked into the shops, grabbed my food and a beverage, and headed back to the car. As I came out into the underground carpark there were two people headed towards the entrance, and my "gay-spider-senses" started tingling... I hadn't even seen the guy (he was kind of out of sight behind a pole), and had only heard his voice for a fraction of a second, but my brain went "faygola"... so I was playing more attention so I could see if he was cute or not...
And when he did come into view, I realised that it was EnglishX... and he'd recognised me and smiled and said hello (he always was incredibly polite), so I just smiled and said hi back, but neither of us stopped (I think he was with his Mum anyway... or some other random short older woman) or attempted to speak to each other beyond the hello.
EnglishX isn't technically an ex, since we never technically dated... but I think we came pretty close... I met him back a hundred million years ago when I was 22 and living with my former flatmate, Ludo, and doing the club thing pretty much every weekend... I remember meeting EnglishX, and I must have given him a card with my number on it... I did that a lot at the time, it was incredibly pretentious of me... but I can't remember if that was the night that I took some other random guy home, or rather he took me home, or not... I think it might have been, hence the giving of the card... thank god I never drank, my memory would be even more screwed up than it is already...
Anyway, EnglishX called and we chatted on the phone for a while, I discovered he was only 17, much to my annoyance, since he was about 6'4" and looked like he was in his 20's... and I'd broken up with a 17 year old not that long before... but we decided to meet up in town and hang out anyway. What was probably supposed to just be hanging out for an hour or so turned into a whole afternoon and evening, he met Lownee at the gym, and ended up coming back to the apartment with me and met both Ludo, and Ma (since it was the regularly scheduled night for her to come over and have dinner with us).... and everyone really liked him... but then, he was very likable... and, come to think of it, lickable too...
We hung out some more after that, and yes, things did get sexual at some stage (although, I honestly don't remember where that fell on the timeline), but I have to admit, it wasn't the best sex I've ever had, even though he was cute and attentive and passionate and had a great body... as I told him much later, I always felt like I should have been leaving money on the dresser afterwards (although it was actually my bedroom, so I'm not sure how that works), he always made it all about the other person, and it was very hard to actually give him pleasure... advice he told me some years later he'd taken to heart and made a conscious effort to avoid that in his future relationships (ie, although it sounds harsh, it was untimately a good thing).
At the time he identified as bi (although I think he's upgraded that to gay these days, or at least predominantly gay), and had only just come out to his family, and for whatever reasons, his mother had made him promise not to date any guys... and guess who got to be the first person he had to test that promise with... yup, you got it... this little gay duck... so, naturally, our relationship went nowhere fast. I think it gave him a wakeup call though, and not long after that he did start dating a guy.
He's also the person who help me to break the legs on my bed... and certain regular readers can now remove their minds from the gutter... we were horsing around in the apartment, fully clothed, during the daytime, in the presence of Ludo and, I think, Lownee, and chasing each other around, ran into my room and both flopped down on the left side of the bed, only to have the legs give out and the whole thing collapse on the left side, throwing us off the bed and ensuring that my bed has lain on the floor ever since.
Over time our social circles moved apart, and we didn't see each other for a very long time. Then I ran into him at Mars one night years and years later and we traded numbers and vowed to catch up... which resulted in exactly one telephone call I think... and then we drifted again.
But since Adelaide is such a Two Degrees of Kevin Bacon town as I've said before, I've seen him around, but at a distance, from time to time, and, of course, seen his profile on Gaydar...
The interesting thing is that if I had left the house this morning when I "should have", then I would never have seen him, since the "crossover time" was really, really short... in fact, if I'd gone somewhere else to grab lunch, or maybe even if I'd gone up to the supermarket to get my drink instead of grabbing one when I got my food, then we probably wouldn't have crossed paths.
So I'm not sure if the Universe is up to something, or if this was just one of those random happenstances... since neither of us were inclined to stop and chat, I'm thinking happenstance... but if I either run into him again, or run into other people from my past close enough to say hi to, then I'll know that the Universe is definitely up to something... course then I'll have to work out what to do about it too...
Oh, and the image... Captain Britain... well, my brain went: "EnglishX... sounds like Weapon X... I think there might be a British superhero... hmmm, I wonder if I can find something on him"... and, while I couldn't find the one I was originally thinking of, I did come up with Captain Britain... oh hush... it made sense in my brain...
Current Mood:

Give him your new card. ;)
Maybe it is a sign... to skip lunch.
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