I was down at Ma's place yesterday, mostly to help her with installing the software for her mobile on the computer (which, as it turns out, would load, but then wouldn't recognise the phone when we plugged in the USB cable)... and while I was there I figured I could wander around, because she has this huge nature strip right near her place, and find a montage... I actually did do it once before, back when I very briefly did montages on a Sunday...
As I drove past the nature strip just before I got to Ma's place, I started noticing all the gum trees, and thought that there had to be enough different types of leaves to make something out of... turns out I was right. It's all very "Montagious Australiana" thought I have to say...
Because I went up to Ma's place on Sunday, I ended up being at kind of a loose end on Saturday... I'm used to going shopping or something on Saturday, so by about 2pm I was kind of at a loose end... and stayed that way for the rest of the day... tragic really...
Continuing on a similarly tragic vein, I was happy to discover while I was getting a paper on Saturday that my local Baker's Delight is back... it quite literally disappeared off the face of the earth, or at least, the face of my local shopping center, way back at the beginning of June... actually I discovered it was missing after my first Linear Park walk... I came back via the shopping center to get some lunch and where it had been was now a big pile of rubble being worked over by bulldozers... quite a shock really... anyway, it's back now, in a different place thanks to the ongoing makeover the shopping center is getting, but at least it's there. I think I've mentioned before that I have an overdeveloped relationship with the Baker's Delight girlies... well, some of them anyway... so it's not like I was just glad that the bread product store was back... okay... maybe a little...
Spring must be on the way... not only are the days nice and sunny (if not always that warm, at least inside my house anyway), and the flowers blooming, the bees buzzing and other spring archetypes... but I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to reorganise and tidy things... the year before last was the worst for that though... I'd just bought a new teevee and a DVD player... so I had to reorganise my whole living room so that they would fit in my place properly, including getting rid of a book case... ghastly, but true... which led to three or four weekends back-to-back with Ma and I just about tearing the house apart cleaning, sorting out junk, going through all of my books and selling off the extras... washing the windows, reorganising the kitchen cupboards and shelves... everything... and now I have an urge to do it all again... okay, not the same stuff over again... but I just know that there is going to have to be a ritual clearing out of the wardrobe in the next couple of weeks... my wardrobe is just too full, and there are things in there I haven't worn in ages... and stuff that will be too big now... and also possibly stuff that actually will fit me again...
Because I was at a loose end on Saturday, it kind of started then... I had a bunch of junk piled up on top of the books on the bottom shelf of the bookcase where I keep my DVDs... so I went through all that, and either put it away somewhere more appropriate, or else just chucked it... and of course, once that was tidy I stated casting a critical eye on the painting that J made for me. It had been leaning up against the bottom of my CD rack since he gave it too me, partly because the paint was still drying out, and partly because I didn't know what the hell to do it with... but it just seemed to be taking up too much space, and really needed a home... so much, much later that night, while watching something random on teevee, I kept glancing at it and suddenly got inspired to put it up at the top of one of my bookcases, the one on the left... it doesn't look too bad... it will take a while to get used to it there since it's so dark against what used to be a big chunk of white wall, but I think it will work. I might just need to get something to maybe spray over it to protect it from dust or whatever.
Speaking of dust and Spring... I don't know if I've suddenly developed mild (or not so mild) hayfever, but I was sniffling and sneezing all day yesterday... as well as through most of my walk this morning... I'm slightly better now... but still a little sniffly...
Another thing that I think might be part of this whole Spring Cleaning fetish is that I suddenly really, really, really, really want a new look for the blog... the pink glitter I have now is fine, and I like it, but I want something new... maybe even a whole new look altogether... but I had a look at the other Blogger templates that it would be fairly easy to fool around with the same way I've fooled around with this one, and honestly, nothing appeals... well, there is one... but I don't know what I would do with it to "yanify" it... and I can't even find a new image and colour scheme for the template I'm using now... every time I try something, it just doesn't look right... dammit...
My neighbours are still getting on my nerves... actually more than that... at certain points, they really do make me insane... especially since the annoying little Soccer Ball Boy seemed to have found not just one, but two equally annoying little friends on Friday night... and then some of the grown-ups sounded like they'd joined in with the kids... and it was just a pain in the butt... is it too much to ask to not hear my neighbours? Seriously! I did have a realisation as to why it all annoys me so much, at least in part. I live in a block of apartments that are either one bedroom or else studio (ie the bedroom is the living room is the kitchen kind of deal) apartments. Which means they should either be for single people like myself, or else young couples... or not young couples... but just the couple... once you have a kid, move out and go live in fricken suburbia with the rest of the Breeders thank you... or at least move out to a place that actually has enough bedrooms or space for the size of your family... I don't want kids or families in my apartment block... if I did I'd live somewhere else. This rant was brought to you by the letter F and U... *smirk*
While I was at Ma's, she gave me a new casserole dish to replace the one I blew up last week... she'd bought it recently because it's the same shape as the old one. It's made of glass too, but this time clear instead of white (which should make for some interesting viewing of various things inside said dish) and the only down side seems to be that this new one isn't quite as big or deep as the old one... or as thick, glasswise, I think... which could be deadly... ah well... it'll just have to do...
I finally got around to paying my parking ticket... just now actually... I was going to make a comment about not having paid it yet, but just thought, well, why don't you just pay the damn thing so you can stop worrying about it... I still think it was completely bogus that I even got it in the first place... but what are you gunna do...
While I was in my wallet getting out my credit card, I also decided it was probably time I ordered a new Cinebuzz card, since the one I have is going to snap at any moment... well, not totally, but there is this strip along the top that's going to go... it's already about halfway there now... so I just did that too... granted it could take a month before I get the new one... but at least it's on the way.
See... Spring... it makes me get organised...
Current Mood:

1 comment:
That's good you've got a new casserole... you can give us the pineapple rice surprise recipe now! Just keep it away from the cold water!
I hear you about the kids in the one bed units... My block is entirely one beds but every other weekend the guy who lives underneath me has his children around to stay - 3 of them all under 5 in his one bed shoebox. Thankfully they haven't developed a soccer habit though!
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