I did clean up quiz a little, change a word or two, put some capitals in where they should have been... get rid of all the statements starting with "I"... not that it really matters... but still...
Mark the box with a X if you HAVE done it or leave it blank if you haven't
[x] Talk a LOT when I get really nervous
[ ] Am really ticklish
[ ] Afraid of the dark
[ ] Can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ] Can't sleep in a room if the door is closed
[ ] Believe in true love
[x] Ran away from home
[ ] Listen to political music
[ ] Collect comic books
[x] Shut others out when I'm sad
[x] Stayed out all night
[x] Open up to others easily
[ ] Keeping a secret from the world
[ ] Watch the news
[x] Love Disney movies
[ ] Sucker for green eyes
[ ] Sucker for brown eyes
[x] Sucker for blue eyes
[ ] Don't kill bugs
[ ] Have "x"s in my screen name
[x] Slipped and fell in public
[ ] Slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation
[ ] Love Spam
[x] Bake well
[ ] Have worn pajamas to class
[x] Want a better job
[ ] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours
[ ] Love Dr Phil
[ ] Like multiple people
[ ] Guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] Self-conscious
[x] Love to laugh
[x] Have tried alcohol
[ ] Drink alcohol on a regular basis
[x] Have tried a cigarette
[ ] Have smoked a pack in one day
[x] Loved Lord of the Rings
[ ] Have cough drops when I'm not sick
[ ] Can't swallow pills
[ ] Have a lot of scars
[x] Can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[x] Like chocolate
[ ] Bite my nails
[ ] Not comfortable with being me
[ ] Play computer games when I'm bored
[x] Gotten lost in the city
[x] Thought of suicide before
[ ] Seen a shooting star
[ ] Gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Told someone you loved them even though you didn't
[ ] Killed an animal
[ ] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] Made out in an elevator
[ ] Spat off the top of something and aimed at someone
[ ] Hit someone with it
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving
[ ] Been bungee jumping
[ ] Gotten stitches
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[x] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls
[ ] Gotten the Chicken Pox
[ ] Crashed into a car
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Shoplifted
[x] Been fired
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[x] Stole something from your job
[x] Gone on a blind date
[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in Sydney
[ ] Been to Europe
[ ] Slept with a co-worker and/or employee
[ ] Been married
[ ] Gotten divorced
[x] Saw someone/something dying
[x] Have a list of people you want to kill
[x] Seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] Thrown up in a bar
[x] Eaten sushi
[x] Cried in public
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have
[ ] Thought of someone a lot lately
[ ] Hate the world
[ ] Deliberately tripped someone up
[x] Played a practical joke on someone
[ ] Gone out in public with your shirt on backwards
[x] Seen Brokeback Mountain
[x] Kissed more then 4 people in one day
Current Mood:

[ ] Talk a LOT when I get really nervous
[ ] Am really ticklish
[ ] Afraid of the dark
[ ] Can't sleep in a room if the door is open
[ ] Can't sleep in a room if the door is closed
[x] Believe in true love
[x] Ran away from home
[ ] Listen to political music
[ ] Collect comic books
[x] Shut others out when I'm sad
[x] Stayed out all night
[x] Open up to others easily
[ ] Keeping a secret from the world
[x] Watch the news
[x] Love Disney movies
[ ] Sucker for green eyes
[ ] Sucker for brown eyes
[x] Sucker for blue eyes
[x] Don't kill bugs
[ ] Have "x"s in my screen name
[x] Slipped and fell in public
[ ] Slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation
[ ] Love Spam
[ ] Bake well
[ ] Have worn pajamas to class
[x] Want a better job
[x] Talked on a phone for 6+ hours
[ ] Love Dr Phil
[x] Like multiple people
[ ] Guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] Self-conscious
[x] Love to laugh
[x] Have tried alcohol
[ ] Drink alcohol on a regular basis
[x] Have tried a cigarette
[x] Have smoked a pack in one day
[x] Loved Lord of the Rings
[ ] Have cough drops when I'm not sick
[ ] Can't swallow pills
[ ] Have a lot of scars
[ ] Can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[x] Like chocolate
[x] Bite my nails
[ ] Not comfortable with being me
[ ] Play computer games when I'm bored
[x] Gotten lost in the city
[x] Thought of suicide before
[x] Seen a shooting star
[ ] Gone out in public in my pajamas
[x] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Told someone you loved them even though you didn't
[ ] Killed an animal
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of my nose
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[x] Made out in an elevator
[ ] Spat off the top of something and aimed at someone
[ ] Hit someone with it
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving
[ ] Been bungee jumping
[ ] Gotten stitches
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[x] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls
[x] Gotten the Chicken Pox
[ ] Crashed into a car
[x] Ridden in a taxi
[x] Shoplifted
[x] Been fired
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[x] Stole something from your job
[x] Gone on a blind date
[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach
[x] Celebrated Mardi Gras in Sydney
[ ] Been to Europe
[ ] Slept with a co-worker and/or employee
[x] Been married
[x] Gotten divorced
[x] Saw someone/something dying
[ ] Have a list of people you want to kill
[x] Seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show
[x] Thrown up in a bar
[x] Eaten sushi
[x] Cried in public
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have
[x] Thought of someone a lot lately
[ ] Hate the world
[ ] Deliberately tripped someone up
[x] Played a practical joke on someone
[ ] Gone out in public with your shirt on backwards
[x] Seen Brokeback Mountain
[x] Kissed more then 4 people in one day
Kissed more than 4 people on one day... Casually, or something else?
You really need your own blog already Bodhi... really...
Fortunately (or sadly, depending on your outlook) both instances apply here Steven...
I thought you said you had a dirty version :P
Yes... but that's for later, when I run out of other things to post... and once I decide whether or not it's too much information for the world to have about my sexual experience... :P
Steven, like our beloved blogger boy Yani, both instances apply here for me too. But it also additionally applies wayyy beyond just kissing...
::smiles sweetly and innocently::
And yes Yani, I heard you already. 'Blah blah blah blah blog blah'.
'I comment, therefore I am'
Nice try Darls, but you can't get rid of me that easily. :-P
And regards too much information for the world to have about my sexual experience. Sweetie, can there ever be too much sharing about that? Methinks not.
So burst forth. Spill. Bang on about it. All the ups and downs, in and outs. Give us a blow by blow ;-)
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