I have it in my brain that one of my fellow bloggers has a thing about nasturtiums (bottom row, center)... Andrew maybe? Not that he seems to visit any more... *wink*
Ma had an interview in town this morning for a different job (actually one interview, two different jobs) within her company, so I had to brave the morning traffic and take her in... then brave it again to go and pick her up half an hour later (although, to be fair, there actually wasn't that much traffic on the return journey. As I got near to where she said she would probably be she wasn't there, but as I continued down the street I saw her talking to some extremely tall woman... who I realised, as I pulled up, was my Auntie K (who technically isn't really, really my Auntie, but she is kinda sorta partially related to me... don't ask, my family tree is weird)... and who I haven't seen for what feels like a million years. Adelaide, tiny one day, miniscule the next...
During my walk on Friday I came across what looked like a child's sock lost on the footpath, soaking wet because it had rained the night before, but as I got closer I realised that it wasn't actually a sock, at least not for a person... it was one of the little wooly jumpers for your mobile phone... with Ma informed me later are currently being called Meanies (for mobile beanie) but used to be called Mocks (for mobile socks)... both of which seem like really stupid names to me. But never the less, I picked it up, wrung some of the water out of it, brought it home and dried it off... and now my mobile has a stylish new beanie/sock... I'd never buy one, because those things are hideously expensive for their size... but a found object, hell yeah I'm going to use it.
While Ma and I were out shopping on Saturday, Target had their quilts going out cheaply, since it's nearing the end of winter, so I'm now a proud owner of a new doona... which instead of the previous channel style (where the feathers are free to float around inside the doona and end up whereever they please) is the cassette style (where all the feathers are confined within big square areas)... it's definately warmer, and on the plus side, you don't have to redistribute the feathers again every morning. I'm still getting used to it though... I don't know that I've ever actually had a NEW doona... I think they've all been hand-me-downs from either Ma or my Nanna, so it's a little strange, with it sounding almost plastic occasionally... weird...
The other thing that we saw of interest on Saturday was a very tall, pink haired drag queen being filmed (or photographed, but I think filmed) at one of the fruit and veg stalls in Rundle Mall... yeah, that was kind of my reaction too... and I have to say that a paraphrase of a line from Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City did float through my brain... "Pink haired drag queens in the Mall at 11am on a Saturday morning are not divine decadence. It's just plain tacky." We did see said drag queen and her entourage again later, at the wig store in one of the arcades... and she'd changed into a blonde wig... so perhaps it was some sort of advertising for the wig store... who knows...
Just when I thought there couldn't be anything worse than a little boy playing with a soccer ball against the wall where all our mailboxes are every single night after school (and twice daily on weekends)... which, for the record, is right outside my living room window... and he's only been doing it since the World Cup... stoopid World Cup... and while we're on the subject, who brings up a child in a one bedroom apartment... seriously... and they're a couple too... so you know that child has no bedroom and no privacy.... but they are originally from elsewhere, so maybe that's the norm where they're from... who knows... crap... where was I?
Oh yeah... just when I thought there couldn't be anything worse (and technically there isn't, because the soccer ball thing happens over and over and over and over)... Saturday night there was something that kinda came close for a little while... a party full of drunk guests all singing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs... not once, oh no, but twice... on the plus side at least they all went away...
I was kind of annoyed after reading the paper yesterday... there was a digital pedometer being advertised as part of this City-Bay Fun Run thing the paper keeps harping on about (well, they would I guess, they're running it)... for $3.95 with the token from the paper... and it counts steps, and calories and distance... and is only available to Fun Run competitors... *mutter*... I actually had thought about doing the Fun Run... not running, obviously, but as a walk (since there is an option for 12km, 6km and 3km walks)... but I'm not sure I want to pay $25 to do something I'd just be doing anyway, but without a lot of other people... I am annoyed about the pedometer though...
For the last week I've been feeling a little tonsilitis-eske... not to say I have tonsilitis, but from time to time I get what is probably a very mild case of it... and I think I have it at the moment... but you know how when one thing goes wrong with your body, be it a cold or a pulled muscle or whatever, suddenly everything else seems to fall apart in sympathy... that's been me the last couple of weeks... I'm falling to pieces all over the place... yaaaay... not...
I'd meant to do my tax yesterday... but then I'd planned to go and do Linear Park on Friday (which I didn't because it was all cloudy and grey)... so it looks like I'll just have to work up the enthusiasm to do later in the week... wheeeeeeeee...
And tomorrow is Census Day... so won't that be fun...
You know, I don't think I really had to be that worried about running out of things to say on a Monday morning now that Big Brother is over...
Current Mood:

That's one lucky cyclist in Adelaide if there's only one of them (2 along, 2 down) but yet he or she gets at least three road signs especially for them! :P
You know, until you pointed that out I hadn't noticed that... you're right of course, it should be "Narrow Bridge Cyclists Dismount" in the plural...
And there were a million trillion billion cyclists out and about on Sunday... zomming about and taking up valuable space...
What does amuse me though is that on the other two signs that include bikes, they're both riderless... do the signs know something we don't?
Well at least your "mobile phone sock" wasn't a used oversized condom :)
*grinning at Larry's comment* ;)
You're a nasty and tasteless man sometimes Lawrence... it's lucky you have such a sexy radio voice :P
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