Video Hits was doing a special playlist as part of their twentieth birthday, and the release of a couple of CDs and matching DVDs with music from over the past 20 years, so today they played mostly stuff from the first CD, which is 1986-1996... which works out to when I was between the ages of 12 to 22... my premium music ages...
The first song they played was a really dancey early 90's number and I just had to get up and go dance around in the lounge room like a crazy person... then the second song came on and I thought, "wow... I haven't heard this in about a billion years", so I stood there humming along and swaying in time with the music... and so on and so forth...
In fact, the whole morning was like a progression of songs that I remembered, but hadn't heard in a very long time... and scarily, or sadly, there wasn't a song there that I didn't remember... at least not once it started playing...
And that's when I started to feel old... especially when I caught myself thinking "they just don't make music like this now"... but then again, the latter half of that spread, 1990 onwards, was the era of really strong house and dance music, and also the time I was going to a lot of parties with my friends and dancing like mad... and I really liked a lot of the dance and house... that whole era has a fond place in my heart really... hoodies, crystals, baseball caps and a lot of English music on our charts... and now it all seems to be American hip hop, bling, badass rappers and fine black women shakin their bootay... seriously... there have been mornings where I've gone six or seven songs without seeing a single white person...
So the trip down memory lane went something like this (there were a few current songs shoehorned in between the oldies, but I left those off the list)...
- 100% Pure Love - Crystal Waters
- Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm - Crash Test Dummies
- Respectable - Mel & Kim
- She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals
- Cat's In The Cradle - Ugly Kid Joe
- Epic - Faith No More
- Mr. Vain - Culture Beat
- Love in the First Degree - Banarama
- Tomorrow - Silverchair
- Shoop - Salt 'N' Pepa
- Zombie - The Cranberries
- Better The Devil You Know - Kylie Minogue
- When Will I Be Famous - Bros
- Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
- Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
- If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
- The Crying Game - Boy George
- Opposites Attract - Paula Abdul
- I Want Your Love - Transvision Vamp
- Stay - Shakespear's Sister
- Poison - Alice Cooper
- Wonderwall - Oasis
- Faith - George Michael
- Need You Tonight/Mediate - INXS
- Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order
It's also interesting to see who is still around from that list... there's only about six of them that are still making music as far as I know...
And should I mention I used to have a massive crush on Rick Astley... tragic really... but then, I was about 14 at the time...
Current Mood:

Now why would that make me feel older?
*beats Ben around the head with a frozen tuna*
See... much better now... :P
Yes I remember every single one of those songs :)
My faves are: Mr. Vain, Zombie, and Wonderwall.
I hate: Mmm mmm mmm, Cat's in the Cradle, Shoop, and the Crying Game.
I guess we're old Yani :)
Of course I remember all of these. In fact, I also bought this very same trip down memory lane ... err ... oops ... I mean DVD ... over the weekend.
Can't say that I ever had a crush on Rick Astley, but did love his music (not to mention that wardrobe - lol). I did however have a big crush on the lead singer from both Faith No More and Ugly Kid Joe. Evidently I once had a thing for long hair and tattoo's. But, I'm like, soooo much more mature now. I like tattoo's and short hair.
However, a song on the DVD that you left off your list is the then Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch singing Good Vibrations. Holy hot Calvin Klein model Batman! Have you seen that boy in that clip? (I have again .. and again .. and again). I had vibrations goin' in places that I had almost forgot existed. DAMN!
The DVD also contains his slightly older brother Donnie Wahlberg singin' Right Stuff with New Kids on the Block. Ahhh boy bands, is there any more two beautiful words in cliche gay pop? Nah, thought not.
And its not wrong that I want to do both brothers, is it?
::shakes head::
::smiles sweetly and innocently::
Thought not ...
Anyhoo, I lurve Video Hits, and have watched it since the beginning. When my daughter was young we used to tape our favourite clips every Saturday morning so we could then replay them endlessly at whim. So much so, that one time when my daughter was around four we unusually turned on the radio in the entertainment unit containing the TV and stereo. She looked at it perplexed for a while, before exclaiming, "where's the picture?". She had seem so many viedo clips, she didn't realise that music actually exisited without them.
I still continue to watch Video Hits these days, and enjoy the music. And it certainly don't hurt that I also think the current host Axl is a total cutie ...
PS. Being home alone I also danced around the house like a lunatic. Thankfully neither The Kid or TOA were there to roll their eyes at me :-D
Funnily enough Larry, the only song you mentioned that I don't like was Crying Game... and maybe Zombie...
Ahhh Bodhi... I should have known I'd spark your interest with this one... :P
You did know the drummer from Faith No More actually bats for our team, right... Rodney Bottoms (I kid you not... it's his name, not a statement on his preference)...
And yes, I know of the Funky Bunchness of which you speak... that clip is SO 1990... but, yes, he is cute...
Personally I always wanted Joey... it was Joey? The little one anyway... just like I lusted after Mark from Take That, and Nick from Backstreet Boys... I'm always up for the youngest or shortest or both... bad yani... bad...
Axle needs to take a long walk off a short pier... urgh... not cute, not funny, not needed... no thank you! Grrrr...
Anyway, if you have the technology and feel compelled to let me safeguard an "archive copy" of that DVD for you... *wink*...
Marky Mark circa 1990? Wayyy beyond cute, sweetie. That boy is hotter than a naked boy band overdosed on viagra in a sauna ...
And your boy band comments, with ya babe. Do you know that I also have the best of Backstreet Boys, Take That, Blue and Westlife on DVD? Well, I do. And throw in groups like S Club 7 and Steps just for good measure. Not to mention the likes of George Michael, Madonna, Kylie, Pet Shop Boys, Abba, Eurasure ...
Yes, I am that gay.
Stop rolling your eyes at me.
And I will not hear you say bad things about my Axle. He is teh hotness. Bad Yani, bad! Go to your room immediately young man! (...I will be up later ;-P).
And I am no DVD pirate. A butt pirate definately, but not DVD. M'kay. Anyhoo, if you get up to Sydney as you recently commented at TOA, we will be sure to both show you around. And after a hard day exploring the back alleys of this city, we can relax with some of my DVD collection. Hell, we can even watch some of the music DVD's if ya want ;-)
Honestly, I actually prefer Mark "Please take me serious as an actor" Walburg of the Boogie Nights era to the Good Vibrations era... but that's just me...
And I always knew you were that gay...
I'm chosing the take the alleged high ground and not respond to the thinly veiled double entendre in the second half of your comment... :P
Whoever said the 80's only produced crappy music should be made to listen to some of the crap that's out there now.
I love so many of those songs, I'm already hearing them in my head...
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you...
Love the SAW production team!
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