
montage monday: linear park mark iii

linear park mark 3 2006Yes, I know... two back-to-back Monday Montages with shots from Linear Park... this is the last one, I promise (at least until I go down there again). I had so many good shots left over from my last excursion though, it would have been a shame to let them go to waste. And whereas last time I just used any old shot that took my fancy, this time I tried to stay more to natural things, or at least earthy tones.

See... I put way too much thought into these things sometimes...

Speaking of putting way to much into a project... before I went to bed last night I thought I would just start playing around with an idea I'd been having for BlueDragon's birthday cybercard... every year lately (partly because I'm cheap and also broke and can't send stuff to the other side of the world) I make him up a cybercard for his birthday (and for Christmas too... which has led to me doing the same thing for J)... basically just throwing some text over an appropriately scantily clad male form, a little tweak here and there, a little Photoshop gloss and we're away... but this year, because I'd spent a bunch of time yesterday morning visiting a blog I found through a link to a link to a link which was full of the aforementioned scantily clad male images... and because I downloaded a truckload of said images... I thought about doing a much less formal montage and then ones I do for the blog and then adding some transparent layers and text effects, etc... long story... anyway... I started throwing something together last night before bed... and before I knew it, not only had I done the whole montage... but it was 12:30am and I'd been working on it for about two hours... *sigh* I'm so easily sucked into a project like that...

I might have actually started the project a little earlier, but after last night's episode of CSI, I ended up on the phone to Ma, and well, we ended up talking crap for over an hour... all because Lady Heather showed up on CSI again (although the conversaion wasn't limited to Lady Heather or CSI)...

And the timing could not have been more odd... in the comments for the Inner Californian quiz I posted on Saturday, Tom mentioned that his result was the OC... which made me think of not the cute and docile boys of The OC, oh no... but Julie Cooper... who is played by Melinda Clarke... who also plays, you guessed it, Lady Heather...

I swear though, all three of the CSI episodes featuring Lady Heather ROCK! Slaves of Las Vegas, Lady Heather's Box and last night's addition, Pirates of the Third Reich... too, too, too, too, too cool...

Okay, I'm going to send this out into the universe in the hopes that someone somewhere is paying attention... What Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS really need to do is put out character-arc related DVD collections... Joss Whedon did it with Buffy... the folks over at Star Trek did it (in fact they just came out with a new Borg Collective DVD)... take three or four of each character's defining episodes and put them on a single DVD... slap an interview with that actor about their character on it... maybe get them to do audio commentary for the episodes, I don't know... but in addition to the regular cast of characters, they TOTALLY need to add one for Lady Heather! Seriously! Slap a $19.95 price tag on it, even if it is only three episodes, I'd SO buy it!

Okay, enough with the bad corporate sales pitches... lets move on...

Looking through the job ads last night, I was flicking my eyes across the government vacancies (most of which are usually either much, much too high, or much, much too low a level for me to even bother with), when a familiar name caught my eye... one of my former bosses, not at my last contract, but the last major contract before that... advertising for a Assistant Project Officer... I shot her off a quick email this morning just to say hey and kind of ask what the job was all about... maybe get the Job and Person Specification if it sounds okay... no email back from her yet though...

Also last night, David from Big Brother (or David Graham to give him his real world name) won the title of "Australia's Brainiest BB06 Housemate"... scary really... and no, for the record, I didn't watch the show... I just tuned in for the final minute and a half to see who the winner was going to be, and luckily it was David... you go Farmer Dave!

Around the same time yesterday three of my dumbass neighbours decided that they needed to stand around outside and have a conversation... which would have been fine, had it not been for the fact that they chose to stand around RIGHT OUTSIDE MY LIVING ROOM WINDOW... After sitting there with steam coming out of my ears for several minutes waiting for them to wander off of their own accord, I had to stick my head out the door and politely ask them to push off... which they did... *mutter dumbass neighbours mutter*... you would have though I'd been confronting axe murderers or wrestling tigers from the way my heart was beating a mile a minute when I came back inside though... stoopid me...

Weirdly though when witnessing something that could actually have turned nasty on Saturday afternoon I was much calmer... granted I wasn't involved... but when Ma and I were at the shops for the second time (more on that in a second), we were standing outside a card shop, drinking our Boost Juices, minding our own business, looking at stuffed toy puppies, when suddenly some random tattooed hooligan crash-tackled a second baseball cap wearing hooligan... initially I thought they were friends and were being overly bouncy and one of them had mistimed his jump and fallen down, ha ha very amusing... but then they started pushing each other and being very aggressive.... before the tattooed dude just jumped the other guy and started swinging at him... which backed the baseball capped guy's buddies up... so that they were right in front of us... Ma and I actually did that whole frozen bunny thing... we just went completely still... waiting for the predators to either finish kicking the crap out of each other and leave, or else turn on the bunnies... luckily they just did a bunch of macho bullcrap posturing and then went on their way. The only thing that I'm not terribly proud of is that because we just froze in position, Ma was actually closer to the action than I was... technically I should have moved her behind me... but both of us just froze in place... so... yeah...

Technically we shouldn't have even been there when the "fight" was going on, but we'd gone down to West Lakes in search of various low, low priced DVDs... (it's a sickness... I need help... or a support group... or something) and had done some grocery shopping... then when we got back to my place and I was putting my stuff away I realised that I didn't have a parcel of ham we'd gotten... and after not being able to find it either in the house or in the car, we realised that I were also missing tomatoes, mushrooms, half a melon of some sort (which was actually Ma's) and some beans... the dumbass dude at the checkout hadn't given us the last bag... so back to West Lakes we had to go... which wasn't too bad, since it was a really nice day on Saturday...

While we were having breakfast on Saturday morning (not at West Lakes, but at Arndale, where we normally go to the movies) I ran the idea past Ma of giving up Camera Club that I floated out into the universe in my post last Tuesday... I'd actually expected her to some up with more reasons not to than she did... I still haven't made a final decision though... we'll have to wait and see...

Current Mood: doin okay

1 comment:

Larry said...

I'm kind of worried about people talking in front of my bedroom when I get the new place. It's right there at the corner. Luckily the entryway in on the opposite side, so maybe it won't be too bad.