
I'm about halfway between feeling like a complete tool and having heart palpitations here...

I was cooking some fish fillets for dinner tonight, frozen ones, and I had them in the oven in a baking dish as per the instructions on the box.

Only I hadn't planned terribly well, so the vegetables that I'd made to have with it were already ready, while the fish fillets still seemed frozen and had ten minutes left to cook. The instructions on the box did call for a "shallow" baking dish, and I really only had one that was big enough to get both of the fillets in, the oval shaped Corningware one that we've had since I was a kid and that I have used to make Crumble and Toona-Noodle-Do among other things. But it's not what you would really call shallow.

However the lid is deep enough to hold the fish... but I didn't work that out until about halfway through... I decided to switch them over anyway, since I was sure that the fish would cook faster in the shallow lid...

The switch went fine, the fish went back in the oven... but the baking dish was sitting on my wooden chopping board just radiating heat... so I figured I should probably cool it down...

And I wasn't thinking...

So I poured water into it...

Cold water...

A lot of cold water...

Into a hot glass dish...

It exploded!

But not right away, oh no... it let me fill it about three quarters full of water first... and then it just blew up, right there in front of me... and all the water went everywhere... all over the countertop, all over the kitchen floor... luckily not all over me, since my reflexes made me jump back like a scalded cat. And my heart started hammering away a mile a minute...

I killed the casserole dish... which featured majorly in the vast majority of my childhood because it was used to make my favourite dessert in the whole entire world, Pineapple Rice Surprise (which I haven't blogged the recipe for, but I will have to now that I've mentioned it)... and now it's in a lot of really large and really sharp shards inside, of all things, my plastic watering can (since some of them are still a little hot), waiting to be thrown away.

Of course, the first thing I had to do, before I'd even picked up any of the pieces, or recovered from the shock, or mopped up any of the water for that matter, was to call Ma and tell her I 'sploded the Pineapple Rice Surprise dish... she wasn't as distraught about it as I was, but then it wasn't a major, if inconsequential, piece of her childhood that just got reduced to garbage.

Now I just feel like a tool for having 'sploded it...

My kitchen floor is covered with damp towels...

And the fish wasn't even that great...

Current Mood: freakin out and feelin stoopid


Tom said...

Poor you... I hate it when I ruin something of sentimental value like that... particularly when it's no longer being made so you can't replace it.

Pineapple rice surprise sounds, erm... surprising! :)

Sunshine said...

Good thing is you didn't get hurt. Just think about what could've happened when it exploded. *phew*

Anonymous said...

Glad you weren't hurt.
I just had one of my crystal glasses break a couple of wks ago. I bought them when I was in college. I thought they were indestructable. Sigh.

Doug said...

I did that once to a casserole dish, the first night I was in my first apartment and was away from home. I ended up just sitting on the floor crying. I had to get the kitchen floor replaced because the hot glass fused with the linoleum.... glad you are OK!

S said...

Something similar happened to me in the middle of the summer while I was cooking shirtless.

Let me just say ouch.

yani said...

Thanks boys...

Would it seem overly tragic if I said I salvaged a piece of it from the wreckage (which has the entire pattern from one side on it) and kinda sat there toying with it while watching teevee last night...

Okay, I just read that back... and yeah, it would seem tragic... so lets pretend I didn't do that, okay...

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting the things that are so special to us because of what they represnt rather than what they are worth. I'm sorry you had to see a piece of your childhood crumble before your very eyes. Speaking of which...I hope you didn;t get cut in the explosion.

yani said...

For the record, I wasn't injured (other than my pride)... I do have a few little nicks on my fingers from either picking up the large shards or else finding the teeny tiny microscopic shards later, but nothing that involved blood or serious injury.

Larry said...

Yani I loved this post :) I'm very glad you're OK, and I hope this taught you a lesson about cooking-- make someone else do it :)