
the bookish meme

We all know I love a good meme... but for some reason I really, really love book related memes... even though the only other one I've done was about my bookshelves...

So when I saw Andrew had a bookish meme, I had to do it... and funnily enough the bookshelves one came from Andrew too...

  1. One book you have read more than once:

  2. What book haven't I read more than once would be more appropriate... it's very rare that I read a book only once... unless it was a bit crap... and back when I used to visit the library, well, if I found a book I really loved, I had to own it... I'm going to have to settle for "most re-read" book... and I think it's probably Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton currently... I've read that a lot...

  3. One book you would want on a desert island:

  4. Just one? Crap... ummmm... I could just be flippant and say something with a lot of pages so I could use it for making a fire... or take Andrew's "How To Survive A Desert Island (& Ensure Rescue) For Dummies" idea... but seriously... I don't know that I could choose just one... whatever it would be, it would have to be something I haven't read yet...

  5. One book that made you laugh:

  6. I would have picked something by Terry Pratchett from the Discworld Universe, but then I realised I probably couldn't pick just one... so we'll go with Blue Heaven by Joe Keenan, which is actually pretty damn funny...

  7. One book that made you cry:

  8. The Princess Bride by William Goldman... and that was before I'd even gotten to the "real" story bit...

  9. One book you wish you had written:

  10. Putting aside all the best sellers and Harry Potters and things being optioned by Hollywood, I'm probably going to have to go with Contest by Matthew Reilly... because technically it was never supposed to make it... but Matthew didn't give up on it, and look at him now... so it's about 50% about the book and 50% about Matthew...

  11. One book you wish had never been written:

  12. Part of me really just wants to say "The Bible"... partly because I can't think of anything else... there have been other things that I thought were a little lackluster, but it's very rarely that I hate a book that much...

  13. One book you are currently reading:

  14. The Enneagram by Karen Webb... after having a discussion on enneagrams with Ma, she brought me down the book to read.

  15. One book you have been meaning to read:

  16. I dunno... most of the books I've been meaning to read either get added to the "will be reading shortly" pile or else I go off them... One that has been transferred from the "Meaning to read" to "Will be reading" pile recently is Eragon by Christopher Paolini... I just realised that there actually is a book on that "Meaning to read" pile... Wicked by Gregory Maguire... and if it would come out as an actual paperback at a reasonable price then I might read it...

  17. One Book That Changed Your Life:

  18. This one is going to sound a little weird, but that's nothing new... the book in question is actually a graphic novel (although that's not the weird part), Fire and Flight, the first book in the original Elfquest series... which Lownee lent me about a million years ago now... and it changed my relationship with Lownee (in a good way), it allowed me to meet (online anyway) a large number of other fans and form friendships with them... it even led to me meeting BlueDragon... so yeah, it's not a deep answer, but it's a true one...

  19. Now tag five people:

  20. Like Andrew, I hate to tag, but I would like to see some of my blogbuddies attempt this one...
Current Mood: physically falling apart, but okay


S said...

Ok, if I do this, will you e-mail me with a congrats, Yani?

Here goes...

1. I only read books once because there are so many I want to read (and the list continues to grow).

2. Probably an anthology from Jackie Collins (no joke). They're entertaining and would make my mind wander for hours.

3. A Year In The Merde was the last one that made me laugh out loud.

4. I can't remember.

5. I wish I would've started the original "dummy" book.

6. I'm not sure. Maybe the DaVinci Code (since everyone has already read the damn thing).

7. Light and Day by Christopher Rice (Anne Rice's son).

8. Running With Scissors and Dry (both by Augusten Burroughs).

9. The dictionary (seriously).

yani said...

*pats Steven on the head and gives him a virtual cookie*

How's that? :P

Tom said...

I'll play...! I've got a "reading now pile" (I've often got a couple of books on the go), "reading soon pile" and "bought as it was the 3rd in a buy 3 get one free deal and I might get round to reading it eventually pile if I don't happen to pass a bookshop and buy something more interesting pile"

yani said...

Those Buy 3 deals are a killer... you always end up with crap you don't really want in addition to the one or two things you actually do want... I avoid them like the plague nowadays...

S said...

Well, it's better than no cookie (but I wouldn't mind an e-mail)...