First off though... the return of Monday Montage... yaaaaay! As I mentioned on Friday, these shots were taken last Tuesday when I ditched my regular walk for a trip along the Torrens... art and architecture and boats and wildlife... it was really nice actually... I will have to do it again come summer I think.
It's been an interesting four days I have to say...
In my Saturday post, I made a reference in passing to meeting J's boyfriend, Monkey, (who actually arrived on Thursday and not Friday like I originally said last week) and that I was surprised that I actually liked him. Of the four guys J has dated while we've known each other, I've only liked one of them before Monkey, and J decided that he didn't like that particular guy after all. But I always maintained that it's not my job as best friend to like the guys he dates, it's my job to slag them off once he has broken up with them. Monkey, though, I quite like (he needs to stop smoking and pull his pants up, but other than that, he's good). I hadn't actually expected to see them until today (being Mythbusters Monday), so it was actually a nice surprise to have J call me on Friday to see if they could come over after they'd been shopping. It was a good visit... I showed him all the photos I've taken of J while we've known each other (including the very first photo of him I ever took where he looks like a dork), and, for reasons that I'm still not completely clear on, I ended up telling him both the Everything Happens for a Reason and the Reincarnation stories... which, with the possible exception of Marc, I haven't really told to anyone that I've just met (and even with Marc, that was technically the second time we'd met). As J said to him after I was done with my storytelling... "You just got a crash course in Yani."
Fortunately Saturday was a nice slow day where I didn't have to go anywhere or really see anyone, because then yesterday was the BMP expo...
And then last night, when I should have been going to sleep, I was on the phone until 2am with a guy in Sydney I've been chatting with on MSN (and who, if he didn't already have a boyfriend, I could see myself having a thing for.... as it is, it just makes my life more complicated)... Initially I just called him to wish him a Happy Birthday, but we got chatting and before we knew it it was 2am.
After my walk this morning, instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing and getting tonight's dinner (Indian-style Kashmiri beef) ready for a day of slow cooking in the Crock-pot, I ended up going to visit Slick Willy for an early morning play session, which, while nice (if, as always, a little onesided), kind of set me back a whole hour in my plans... I'm choosing to blame sleep deprivation...
But now dinner is on, I'm finally dressed, and all I have to do is a quick clean up before the boys get here tonight and finish watching the first two X-Men movies before going to see the new one tomorrow night.
Oh, and go out sometime tomorrow to get something (other than just the heatpad thing I got yesterday at the expo) for Ma for her birthday...
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I'm getting curious - there is an unusual high incidence of references to "Monkey" on your blog lately. What's the deal, dude? :P
Monkey is the codename I've chosen for J's boyfriend... pay attention :P
where did blogroll go?
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