I've been before... not for a really long time... the last time was way back in the dim dark ages when I was sharing an apartment with Ludo... it's usually fairly interesting... okay... maybe "fairly" is stretching things a little... but it is interesting (if only to point and laugh at some of the wackos).
We did the usual wander around first looking at various things, and I wandered off on my own a couple of times... for the most part we did a good job at avoiding eye contact with the people who you just get that shonkey vibe from no matter what kind of expo it happens to be... poor Monkey actually made the mistake of making eye contact with the guy at the "Christian/Bible" (in some form or flavour, I wasn't paying attention) booth... and got stopped by him... of all the booths... I mean, really.
After we'd done the "walk and look", J decided he wanted to go and talk to one of the guys in one of the booths on his own (I wasn't actually paying attention, so I'm not sure what the guy's "thing" was)... Sally wanted to check someone else out, so Monkey and I wandered off together for a random lookieloo, and ended up getting a free session of Reiki together...
Reiki is interesting... it's one of those things that you kind of think "Is this actually doing anything, or is it all in my head?"... but having said that, I had two very strong reactions to it... firstly my body started pumping out heat like crazy (which is actually my default state for things like that)... in fact, after sitting there for a couple of minutes I was warm and toasty all over (and I'm pretty sure my face would have been flushed)... but this time, the added, and weird, result was that I kept having this overwhelming urge to let my head fall backwards... don't know WHAT that was about.
I'm not sure how long Monkey and I got "reiki'ed" for... it kind of seemed like AGES... but it was long enough for J and Sally to finish their individual things, come find us, then disappear off and get lost again... Monkey and I wandered all around the place looking for them and in the end had to call J to find out where they had disappeared off to.
Unfortunately the one thing that I would have had done was completely booked out for the rest of the day... there were two women doing "Angel and Guide" portraits... which in and of themselves were actually really beautiful pieces of art. Had I been paying attention I would have snapped a pic with my phone of the piece one of the women did while I was there, since it was this really gorgeous portrait of a Native American guy with a wolf headdress done in pastels... really really funky. Alas, even if there had been an opening, I really didn't have a spare $75 anyway... shame.
The only thing I ended up coming away with was a pair of these really amazing heatpacks... they're filled with a sodium acetate (salt and vinegar) solution, which when you press the little metal tab (which just looks like a random piece of metal as far as I can see) inside the clear pouch the solution crystalises and starts to give off a ton of heat. They were so funky I just had to get a pair... one for me... one for Ma as part of her birthday present...
I was actually looking around for something else to get her for her birthday, but I couldn't find a damn thing to be honest...
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