

Possibly the scariest thing on the face of the planet is when you're awakened at 4am by a noise that appears to be coming from inside one of your kitchen cupboards that sounds for all the world like something with very big, very sharp teeth chewing on wood... loudly...

No wonder I slept with my bedroom door closed last night (mostly so I couldn't hear the noise, but, also, you know, just in case) and probably got maybe just over an hour's sleep between 4am and 7am... *shudder*

I'm still not brave enough to open the cupboard and have a proper look around in there.

Add to that the fact that I came down with my annual "cold" yesterday, and am still feeling like crap, plus the fact that blogger has gone down more than a cheap hooker in the last couple of days, and you have one very sick, slightly sleep deprived, cranky yani...

And now I discover that my oil heater is broken... grrrr....

Current Mood: shoot me now...


Sunshine said...

A rat gnawing my toes - one of my many fears. ;)

Tom said...

Doesn't sound nice - did you find out what was making the noise?

yani said...

Sunshine: It wasn't my TOES I was worries about... since it's not that end that sticks out from under the quilt... *shudder*

Tom: No... I haven't been brave enough yet... I might get J to take a look for me on Monday... lol... Until then I'm just not going in the cupboard...

no more said...

omg - do you guys have problems with mice or rats out there? Look for droppings, SCARY! I've beenlucky but sometimes squirrels get in the attic space and it sounds like thunder when they run around. You might wanna rinse your glasses and dishes before use

yani said...

LOL... so didn't need to hear that...

Fortunately all the dishes and glasses are in a completely different cupboard...
