
style vs substance

style vs substanceIt was late night shopping in town tonight, and Ma has been doing a work related course in the city the last two days, which means she leaves her car here and I'm on shuttlebus duty, so when she was done for the day we went looking at digital cameras...

After my post the other day regarding what to do with my tax cheque, I decided to toss the idea of a trip to Melbourne, at least for the forseeable, and after paying off Mr Visa, put most of the money aside, but go with the other idea of investing in a pocket sized digital camera.

We went to Diamonds, where I've been getting the majority of my camera stuff for ages, and picked the brains of one of their sales people for about half an hour.

It was a very productive half hour, but now I'm kinda left with a choice between two cameras, both of which suit my purposes (at least in theory), but which have differing bonuses and drawbacks, and one of which I think it purdy, and one is less so.

So, to quote Miss Vida Boheme in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar... it comes down to that age old question... style or substance.

In Style's corner is the 7MP Nikon Coolpix 7900 which I like the look of (obviously), is a higher megapixel camera and has something called D-Lighting (basically in-camera shadow lightening) etc. On the downside, the review says it has some trouble with focus in low light and the images are a little soft. Theoretically it comes in both black and silver (black please!).

In Substance's corner is the 6MP Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX9 which is a little on the "ugly little box" side of the world, but does have an Optical Image Stabilizer and that's always a plus. On its downside some of the image quality issues are a little worrying. This one should come in silver, black, red and gray (hopefully red!).

Both are in the $650-700 range, although my price limit was supposedly $600, but now that I'm not going to Melbourne, screw that (plus I still have a $300 IOU from Ma at Xmas that I'm going to cash in).

So, yeah... I'm completely undecided about which camera to go with...

Knowing the way my brain works though, it will probably end up being the Nikon, just because I like the way that one looks.

Can I help it if I'm a stylewhore?

Current Mood: undecided


ghostlight said...

Definitely. . .go with the Nikon. I have a Kodak myself that I love, but with your two choices.. .I vote the Nikon, definitely. Take pictures with Style!!!

no more said...

A friend of mine has a kodak and it's amazing. I realized that I am still taking pictures with an obsolete thing (a free camera that came with my printer!) Yes it's a shame. One day i'll save enough money, but you know i'd rather spend it on a LCD tv (whenever they come down in price and increase in size)

Can't go wrong with Nikon. Once you decide you need to post pics on your site with it! Btw you seem like just as much of a movie fan as myself, I have a movie website somewhere which i won't plug because i have shamefully neglected it. Good posting - keeping me reading :)