
salient facts from today...

Okay... after a whole day of work today, I've realised the following things...
  1. I miss working, being in the city, I even miss "bus surfing", and, strangely enough, I miss having people around (even if its only to have something to winge about).
  2. Boost Juice has a whole new menu I haven't even tried yet... I made a start with the Green Tea Mango Mantra.
  3. The people I'm working for (again... I keep coming back to them) annoy me and amuse me in equal parts.
  4. I found a store that sold the following: Invisible playing cards, decent Egyptian cat statues and little Egyptain god statues for $4.95... I bought Anubis.
  5. The cool shoes I'm thinking about getting haven't arrived in Adelaide yet.
  6. I really miss four out of the six reprobates I used to work with.
  7. Three of those reprobates have or do read my blog... I knew one of them had, but not the other two, I do link back to two of them who have blogs though, so I really shouldn't be surprised.
I think its important to discover new things...

Current Mood: thoughtful but amused

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