
rainy easter saturday with shopping and kites

sixteenth adelaide international kite festivali think i used to know that guy back in the gay jurassic period
No prizes for guessing what we did today...

It all started out with the usual routine... tidying up, heading to the supermarket to wend our way between the Easter shoppers, then back here to unpack and whatnot.

Then, even though the forecast called for showers, we headed down to Semaphore for the 16th Adelaide International Kite Festival.

orange kitestormy savers
When we got there it didn't look especially promising... there were only a couple of kites up in the air and some of those appeared to be struggling a little.

So after we hung out for a little while to see if things would improve, we decided to go for a wander down Jetty Road, get something warm to drink, and come back to see if things had improved.

We ended up stopping at the Swedish Tarts Cafe... and I'm not going to lie, most of the decision was based on the fact that one of the waiters walked out in front of us as we went past, and he was fucking gorgeous. Turned out there was another cute (bearded) waiter too... and a shaven headed guy in the kitchen with fantastic arms (in a tanktop).

My kinda cafe really...

beach photographerpirate boat kite
Sadly, the hot chocolate I had was a little bit lackluster... but at least the view was good.

By the time we wandered back down the jetty, the wind was starting to both pick up and shift around. And there were a bunch more kites in the air.

Unfortunately the crowd was somewhat problematic... in previous years the organisers of the festival have roped off underneath the jetty to prevent people from wandering onto the northern site of the beach where all the kites and flyers are located. If one of the big, rigid kites fell out of the sky or the flyer was distracted, those things could break someone's nose at the very least.

But people were just wandering all across the beach, parents were just letting their kids run wherever they wanted... once again it makes me wonder about the intelligence of some people.

cyan tails over stormy skysliding along the beach, dragged by a very big kite
We moved up and down the jetty, taking advantage of spaces without people (only to have people fill up those spaces around us) and watching as the flyers tried to get more kites airborne.

To be honest, for the most part it was the same dozen or so kites as previous years... the mermaid, the rainbow stingray, the frog, the soccer ball... and the guy doing tricks with one of the stunt kites and getting up close and personal with the people on the jetty (at one point he brought it down to balance on my outstretched hand... a little like the photo at the top of the post... which was cool).

We hung out for a while before wandering back up Jetty Road in search of some lunch. Unsurprisingly we ended up back at Swedish Tarts.

sand shoesgull kite
I was a little unsure of what to have... and ended up picking Pytt i Panna...

It sounded good on the board "bacon, sausage, potato, onion, beetroot and egg"... but it ended up being the type of thing I sometimes make when I don't have a lot of ingredients in the house to make something decent.

It was interesting and filling, but not something I'd get again.

And, to top it all off, the really pretty waiter had left.

rainbow fishrainbow spinner
Then we wandered back down to the jetty for a last look at the kites.

The "kite battle" was supposed to be coming up just after we wandered back, although it took a while before the announcer could get all of the stupid people off that side of the beach, and by the time they'd moved out of the way, the wind had picked up to such a degree that they decided it was too dangerous.

And that's about the point that the rain that was supposed to stay away, made an appearance.

Not for very long, just long enough to get everyone scurrying off the jetty, but at that point we called it a day and headed back to my place. And we just managed to make it back before it started to pour down.

Current Mood:

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