
photo friday: minifig template

minifig template
Following on from the previous Lego accessories template... I decided to try something minifig related for the Autumn template.

And while I kinda liked the original photo below... the green wasn't quite green enough and after some messing around I ended up with something that really makes Little Traveller stand out.

And in no particular order there's a minifig from each of the nine series.

The zombie from series 1, the mime from series 2, the gorilla suit from series 3, the geisha from series 4, the lizard man from series 5, the genie from series 6, the bunny man from series 7, the conquistador from series 8 and the cyclops from series 9.

Plus of course Little Traveller and Little Boyfriend.

the usual suspects
I'm officially more than halfway through my Fringe shows for 2013... 11 done, 9 still to go.

And I'm slightly in that zone where it feels weird to be home... in fact on Wednesday night it felt like Monday night because I hadn't been home for a couple of nights.

I am still a little bit sleep deprived though... but that's partly my own fault because even on my nights off I'm staying up a little too late.

Street artist, Peter Drew, is back in town briefly and some great new works have been popping up around the place. One of these was a giant cube covering the top half of the statue of Queen Victoria in the middle of Victoria Square.

I'm guessing it was put there overnight and it only lasted until around 12:30 before two guys from the council in a cherry picker turned up to take it down. Highly disappointing really, it looked great, people were paying far more attention to it than they ever do the statue.

And while I now know that when Queen Victoria got a woollen cape last year it was officially sanctioned, the casual observer would have trouble telling the difference between why that was allowed to stay there but this cube was removed... and not terribly carefully either.

If it had been slightly smaller than it was, I might have asked to take it away... but it was massive. I hate to think what might have happened to it...

There are other bits and pieces from this week floating around in my head...

A conversation with one of the women at work about Sydney that caused me to think seriously for about five minutes about moving there... I've thought about it before, but never particularly seriously. The issue would be finding a job and somewhere to live... and I've never been the type of person who can just pick up and take off somewhere new. I mean I've only ever lived in four places in my whole life and I've been here for over ten years.

It's still a thought though... and one that I think will only get stronger in April when we go to Sydney. And work isn't making it any less of an attractive proposition.

We had a massively over catered morning tea on Thursday... so much so that there was enough left for morning tea again today. And a number of us were buzzing around on a sugar high for much of the rest of the day, myself included.

And I am enjoying these Doctor Blake Mysteries... although the solution often seems fairly obvious about a third of the way through.

Current Mood:

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