It was an exceptionally quiet (although not overly slow) day at work today... I was pretty much holding down the fort on my own for most of it. Both H-San and Sugarmonkey had the day off, so it was just me and La Ginja Ninja on deck. Thankfully it was also an incredibly quiet day, I didn't really get any calls (not that the phones usually run hot), there was hardly any email traffic and thankfully there weren't any major traumas.
And what do you do when it's just you and the boss on deck all day... why you butter her up of course (not that she really needs buttering up to make her nice... in fact part of her problem is that she's TOO nice)... and what's better than buttering the boss up than a delicious cupcake! Yep, I stopped off at BTS Cafe (and boy do they really need a website) on my way in and picked up a cupcake for me, a cupcake for La Ninj and a hot chocolate (also for me). And if I thought their cupcakes were delicious... man is their hot chocolate good! On the down side they don't make the full range of cupcakes every day, so I couldn't have the Elvis... instead I had something with Bollywood in the name that (from memory) had all kinda of strange and interesting things in it. And naturally, I scored mucho brownie points (or should that be cupcake points?) with La Ninj...
I tell you what... this whole "new computer" thing can not happen soon enough! This stupid piece of crap I have now is so freakin slow tonight... and it's not like I'm trying to cure cancer or put the space shuttle into orbit... I'm just trying to run Firefox and Photoshop at the same time and it's not doing either particularly well. Grrr...
Getting back to my day... as with any slow day, everything kind of ended up happening in about the last hour, so that I felt like I was rushing around a bit by the end of the day. I don't think I actually was, it's just that the rest of the day had been so damn slow.
At lunch I went for a wander over to the market and ended up finding the red and white striped knee socks I've been occasionally obsessing about for a little while now. Woohoo... and they were even cheaper than the three other pairs I have (red and black, white & black, black & white... and yes there is a difference between the last two... namely the toe, heel and cuff colours).
Oh, and for the record, I'm feeling quite a bit better... I still have the whole cold/flu thing going on, but it's manageable... partially because of the nice drugs the lady in the chemist recommended, and partially because I moved up to the "hard stuff" (ie Codral) this morning. I also skipped my walk this morning so that I could get an extra hour of sleep in... and then proceeded to have a really bad night's sleep where I woke up a bunch of times... so I'm not sure if I was better off for the extra hour or not.
Now I'm off to tidy up a bit and then if it's not too late, wack on the first of the three Kurasawa movies that Sugarmonkey lent me... I've never seen any of his work, and what's the point of working with two movie "experts" if you don't occasionally treat it a little bit like a film appreciation masterclass?
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