The last time I hit the sauna I made a random vow that I should probably sit down and read all my previous sauna posts before going... and I also said that I should try going on a Friday or Saturday night...
Well, I managed to do half of that last night... and not the part that might have stopped me, obviously...
Actually I hadn't intended to go at all... I was supposed to be having somebody over, we'd been chatting back and forth since about the middle of the week, including some hot and heavy text messaging (actually picture messaging too on more than one occasion), and I was looking forward to seeing him... but I got stood up with nothing resembling a good excuse...
Actually I sent him three text messages, tried to call him three times, and in the end got one text message back saying that he had to work (or something had come up at work or some such) and would get back to me... which, to be honest, set off my bullshit detector a little since I wouldn't have thought his particular line of work did weekends (although it's not outside the realm of possibility)... and also, if that was the case, why didn't he just send me a text message when I messaged him at 4:30 (or whenever he realised that this "work crisis" wasn't resolving itself), instead of waiting until 8:30 and all those additional text messages and the attempted phone calls on my part.
Seriously... I don't ask for a written guarantee or binding fidelity or anything... all I ask for is that you tell me the truth... that's it... and tell me the truth the first time I ask... not the third time, or the ninth time or the three hundred and eighty seventh time. You will always win more brownie points from me if you just say "okay, this is how it is"... whether the news is good, bad or indifferent... and so long as you're not actively trying to be cruel in how you deliver it.
But you'd be surprise just how hard that is to find... even getting guys online to just say "look, you're not my type, sorry" instead of going silent or worse still, disappearing completely... it's bad manners and it shits me.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah... so I'd been looking forward to having some physical contact with somebody all day, and now it seemed like it wasn't going to eventuate (okay, that's not quite how I phrased it in my head at the time, but we'll go with this version)... and I really didn't want to just sit around the house waiting and hoping that MAYBE this guy would either finish his "work crisis" or whatever was going on, and would then call me... because there lies the path of the Crazy Pants (and they're highly unflattering and mostly uncomfortable, plus so last season)... plus I've done that more than enough, sitting around the house waiting for some guy to call who never does (worse yet, for some guy to show up)... so the sauna seemed like a good alternative (and, to be honest, if I hadn't had the connection with the guy who stood me up, then it was kind of where my brain was headed anyway this week).
I swear though that the Universe isn't ever going to let me use that whole "well there were no car parks, so I changed my mind and came home" excuse that I keep floating around in the back of my mind... pretty much every time I get the exact same park in the exact same spot in the little backstreet... only now I make sure I park facing the correct way...
I did have a bunch of different thoughts while I was kicking around in the sauna for the four hours or so I was there, but I think I'm going to go the dot point rather than the longer rambly style I usually favour... so...
- As a general rule, after being stood up, the sauna is a bad plan... mostly because you're in a crappy frame of mind to begin with.
- Compared with when I used to go some years back, the place does seem much emptier, although, as always, it's a bit of a hit and miss affair.
- Orgy rooms are, in general, just a bad idea for me.
- If you can't maintain an erection, it's either time to stop doing so many drugs, or stop insisting that everybody blow you and just go back to being a bottom.
- Cut guys seem to take about 100 times longer to orgasm then uncut guys.
- Asking me the same question over and over and over again, even in different ways, just to get yourself off (and I'm sure there is probably a similar comment about "if you can't cum, it might be time to stop the drugs) isn't going to turn me on, it's just going to bore me and make me want to smother you with my towel.
- And if you were really serious about getting together again (one of those questions that you asked over and over), you would have gotten some kind of contact detail from me before you disappeared.
- Three is probably my limit... and I'm not sure how long it's going to be before I'm really in the mood again.
- Hot, hot, hot showers are good!
Current Mood:

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