
photo friday: beachside

sun disk 2007apartment block 2007glenelg jetty 2007Well, there's been a distinct lack of clear blue sky today, but these shots from last weekend are a nice reminder of somewhat better weather. The top shot of these three is my favourite... it's actually a piece of art called Celestial Reduction by Marijana Tadic, and because of where the sun was I was able to get this shot of the glass "donut" at the top lit up like a miniature sun.

As far as the others go, they were more about repeating shapes than anything else.

The Glenelg jetty in the bottom shot was actually closed off because it was damaged during the wild weather we had at the beginning of the month.

Current Mood:

1 comment:

j said...

The top shot looked like a lolly. Nice... :-)