I got a call from one of the girlies at my agency a couple of days ago saying that there was this possible role coming up... little bit web site, little bit marketing and other stuff... and it was actually somewhere I hadn't worked before ever... woohoo!
Anyway, she called me yesterday to set up an interview with them for me today... so once the appropriate time rolled around this morning, I got all frocked up in work drag (including a tie for the first time in about five years... that was a real pain... but the red on red with yellow theme thing worked nicely, right... and yes, that's actually my red shirt and tie in the pic... I figured even if they didn't remember anything else about me, I might as well make them remember my outfit).
I took the car in, mostly because it's too cold and windy out there to be standing around at bus stops, so I ended up getting there a little before my interview time. And because they don't actually have a proper reception area or anything, I think I kind of caught them on the back foot, since I was early and they weren't ready. So I just sat calmly in the meeting room while they rushed about getting organised.
As they finished getting organised, the woman who I was supposed to report to said to me that this was just "casual"... which I didn't have a problem with, I was kind of expecting something in the realm of a job interview, but perhaps not so intense... but I gotta say again... there is no such thing as a "casual job interview"... at least not when you're on the receiving end of it.
And as we went along I kept finding myself saying "Well, yes, I've done that... but not in any kind of formal sense, it was more casual where I've worked before...". I probably should have stopped myself saying it at some point... but it just kept falling out of my mouth. Plus it's true, mostly because by the time I worked anywhere that I had the kinds of responsibilities they were talking about... which basically amounts to being the Education Department... it was much more laid back and not as worried about putting every single last thing in writing. There is probably a perfectly good reason for it, I've just never had to do it.
The guy who I'm replacing was quite cute... and could have been a 'mo... he was giving my gaydar mixed signals... damn these metrosexuals! But he won't be there, because the position is replacing him... so less good really! And I think, if he wasn't leaving forever, I probably would have gotten along with him quite nicely. The bosslady I don't know... she could be a world of high maintenance as a boss...
I'm not sure I'm going to get the contract to be honest... I think if there's somebody else on the list who has done things in a more structured way, they're going to go with that person. But you never quite know how these things are going to work out... I'm trying to keep an open mind in case I DO actually end up getting it.
After I left the interview I called the agency girly just to check in, and pretty much told her my thoughts. If I do get it then I'll have to go in there for at least a couple of hours tomorrow to workshadow the nice boy who's leaving, get a feel for the place etc... then hit the ground running on Monday... yikes... I'm not sure I have enough appropriate shirt/tie combos for that...
I should know sometime before the end of the day...
You know, I'm starting to lean towards the side of actually not wanting it (in addition to not thinking I'm gunna get it)... it's not that I wouldn't be able to do it, I just think it's going to be a bit of a headfuck... of course having said that, they're going to offer it to me now...
We'll see...
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Awww how cute are you?!!! I love your shirt and tie!!
LOL Thanks!
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