
sexual eight

the sexual eightBoth Paul and Tony tagged me with this one... then Brenton did his version... and the only reason that it's taken me this long to post my reply is I couldn't quite figure out what secrets that I cared to share hadn't already made their way into the blog at some earlier point...

  1. I had sex with a deaf guy once. The deafness wasn't a problem (except for the fact that I knocked his external cochlear implant off the side of his head a few times) but he handcuffed my right wrist to the base of my cock and balls without asking first.

  2. Before I remember masturbating by hand (actually before I remember being able to come), I used to hump this Pac Man puppet that I had.

  3. I jerked off a guy (who I'd had sex with on a previous occasion) in the back row of a movie theatre (we went to the movie together a Sunday afternoon session of Mystery Men of all things), and even though there were only about four other people in the cinema, he wouldn't let me go down on him.

  4. The first guy I ever took home from a nightclub turned out to have been in the year above me at high school. Thus proving just how small Adelaide really is!

  5. I have a small collection of underwear given to me by guys I've had sex with.

  6. Both times I've been to Melbourne, I've hired an escort (the second, more recent time was much better than the first).

  7. It doesn't always happen, but if the mood is right then I'm going to bite you... alternatively you can bite me (preferably in the neck shoulder region), but both are acceptable. I'm not adverse to the very juvenile hickey or lovebite either... although I kind of prefer to be able to cover them up.

  8. I've had way more anonymous casual sex at saunas and cruising areas than I'd like to admit (and yes, I stole this last one from Brenton, but it's just as true for me).

Current Mood:


Monty said...

Is this a picture of you??? Nice arse!!! ;-)

yani said...

If that was me, don't you think there would be a ton more half naked pics of me on the blog...

Notice the 8 on his jersey, just above the pretty ass... and the meme has 8 parts... ;)

Sunshine said...

Ok - just when I looked away for a second or two - this entry!!! :P

yani said...

LOL... c'mon, you know you wanna do your own version...

Plus it just proves you should never look away... otherwise I get all out of hand :P