Okay... this is your first, last and only warning... this is officially a TMI (Too Much Information) post concerning aspects of my sex life... you have been warned... proceed at your own risk... having said that it doesn't get that graphic, so put it back in your pants hotshot...Now that that's out of the way I can pop the top of my Strawberry Blast
Gatorade to replenish my fluids and start sharing...
Where to start, where to start... well... a little while ago I "fell across" the site for Bear Men of Adelaide again (I'd actually been to a couple of their "den nights" in the middle of last year, but kind of got over it, and stopped going) and saw that they were having a "Bears in the Mist" day at the local gay sauna (ie bathhouse for those of you who don't speak Australian)...
Now there are three things that are important at this junction. Technically I'm not a bear... no beard, and not in the least bit hairy... but I guess technically I fall into one of the "and Affiliated Industries" (work that one out) categories... secondly I've been to the sauna (the only one we have... one gay pub, one gay dance club, one gay sauna... could Adelaide be more lame) on more than one occasion, but not for a really, really, really long time (at least five or six years, if not more)... and three, while I'm not generally prudish about sharing information about my sex life, I do choose who I share it with and how much I share on a case by case basis (Adelaide is just to small a place and everyone knows everyone, especially in the gay community)... so this may be the first and last time I share it here... there was just a lot of stuff that happened that I don't want to forget about because it was fun and I enjoyed myself...
Anyway, I marked the date for the Bear Day down in my Outlook calendar, just to remind myself rather than as a definite indication that I was going to go... I wasn't even sure this morning that I was actually going to go... or even as I was driving into town... I thought that if I couldn't find a car park right away, right near the place, then that was officially "a sign" and I would just come home again.
But no... perfect car park around the back of the building, no problems...
I went in, got changed and wandered around in my towel for a bit... hid in a couple of the dark sections upstairs until my eyes adjusted to the monumental lack of lighting... including wandering around the new "maze" section (including walking into my own reflection in a huge full wall mirror because I still couldn't see properly and I wondered why the guy coming in my direction wasn't getting out of the way)... which was pretty much a maze... I just kept wandering around and around and around... they had definitely extended the upstairs section, I think it now spreads over the right half of the building, whereas previously the upstairs second has just been the left half (the building was identical mirror image, two storey, attached townhouses originally, and most of the stuff is in the left hand townhouse, except the "staff area" and the "snackbar/teevee room")...
I stopped and "played" a couple of times, but nothing that I couldn't walk away from... and did when if was no longer fun for whatever reason... including something I've never tried before and never thought I would try... but which was interesting for a little while and as a sensation, but I don't think I ever need or want to do it again... (and all your little overactive imaginations can come up with whatever you like, I'm not telling!)
I have to admit that, putting the sex to one side for a minute, I remembered what it was I used to really enjoy when I went more often... the whole thing of baking in the wet sauna until the sweat was dripping off me and it was just too hot to stand anymore, then usually jumping into the spa... well, I did a whole session of that again today... but I got into the pool instead... SO nice! Not only the whole sweating out of toxins (which I also
used to do at the gym) but then getting into the cold (at least it feels that way after the hot sauna) pool. I haven't been swimming in about forever, but I love being suspended in water like that... even if I can't actually "swim" per say. The downside is that because of the fluid loss and the temperature change I sometimes used to end up with a headache, especially coupling that with going outside again afterwards in winter... and I will admit to a slight brainache this time, hence the Gatorade... (the other downside being that my skin will pretty much stink of chlorine until I take a shower tomorrow morning)
It was interesting just wandering around the place for the simple fact that it was a "Bear Day"... so the skinny or buff or "cute" or just average boys where definitely in the minority (not that they're always in the majority, but it was never quite as pronounced as this... and twice as obvious when all the bears seemed to disappear at around 5:30 or so)... everywhere you looked there were big and round and usually very hairy guys... which was just interesting from, I suppose, a "people watching" perspective... as well as the fact that I wasn't the biggest guy there.
That of course didn't stop me perving on and lusting after the one of two skinny/cute boys... there was one boy there, soooo skinny... jet black hair... abs for days... yummy...
Being a big guy I usually just assume that I'm going to get rejected by those kinds of guys, especially in that kind of environment where basically all of your flaws are out there for the world to see... but sometimes it doesn't work out that way... there was one notable incident in the past where this very cute, very skinny and VERY well hung country boy had a fairly packed wet sauna room lusting after him, and ignored them all, but when I went past him on my way up the stairs, he just said to me "Hey, wanna fuck?"... I mean, c'mon, with smooth chat up lines like that, how's a boy to say no?
Anyway, during one of the "bake and swim" rotations this really cute, smooth and skinny guy came in and sat not that far away from me in the wet sauna... now, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure, those places are designed so that you can't see more than about a foot and a bit in front of your face, so very dark, and what light there is is actually red, coupled with steamy... less good for seeing anything... but I was checking this guy out and he was just sitting there with his legs open and everything on display, and I was wondering if I had enough nerve to go over and sit next to him... and then one of the big bear guys who was also in the room moved closer to him and touched his leg...
Now normally I would have expected the skinny guy to either remove the bear guy's hand and move further away, or else get up and walk out, or whatever, but no... he was open to the concept... so very shortly after that I went over and joined the two of them...
Skinny Guy... so damn cute... in his mid or late 20's I would say, although I could be wrong, I suck at the age game... and a really good kisser (he lay back on the bench and I took the top half and the bear guy took the bottom half before we switched)... the bear guy left part way through, leaving me with Skinny Guy, which I did not have a problem with... but we both got a little overheated after being in the sauna for so long, so when he told me he was going to go outside and cool off I told him to come and find me again when he was ready and left it at that... you never want to appear too stalkerly, especially in a place like that, and really, after watching Oprah's two shows about "
He's Just Not That Into You" last week, I was just going to play it cool...
I sat in the sauna for a couple more minutes grinning like a twit after he left, then came out and dunked myself in the pool.
While wandering around I'd also noticed a guy that I recognised from the Den Nights I mentioned earlier... a total cutie who has a thing for older bear guys (the older the better I think, but we won't open that particular can of worms)... we'll call him Cubby... I wasn't sure if I should say hello or not... I was fairly certain I didn't have a hope in hell of hooking up with him (which would have been nice), but I could have just said hi and left it at that... but every time I thought about it he was either already talking to someone, or else he disappeared out of the room I was in or whatever... so I didn't....
But later, in the course of wandering around I went into the dry sauna (which is so much hotter than the wet one, so it has a little anteroom out the front which warms up as well, but isn't as bad as being in the actual sauna), noticed a couple of guys in the anteroom as I went through, but didn't really pause, then realised as I sat in the dry sauna that it was Cubby "with" someone... so I went back out to take a look, because I figured having a perv was probably as good as it was going to get, so why not...
Cubby and this older guy (using the term "grandfather" is never complimentary, so I won't) were making out and there was already a guy watching them, who then went in for the grope on Cubby, and when he didn't get chased away, went back in for something a little more personal... which would have been hotter to watch if the guy doing the "more" had been a little more attractive. I'm guessing, given the pattern I mentioned before (waiting for someone else to move in and then going in myself... I swear, I'm like a freakin hyena, moving in to taste the kill, to coin a phrase, after the lion has already done all the hard work and brought it down) you can join the dots and work out what came next... I will say this... he was much, much smaller than I expected... but sometimes it's nice when a mouthful is just a mouthful and not something you have to take in stages, you know...
Anyway, after a while Cubby said he needed to hit the pool, which I totally agreed with, being a little overheated by that stage myself, so I just hightailed it out of there and plunged straight into the pool... Cubby and his gentleman friend were a little longer in getting out of the sauna (at first I didn't actually think they were going to join me, but they did)... as he got in the pool Cubby looked at me, pointed, and said "Hey, I know you..." which made me laugh... he's a very huggy, very cuddly, very affectionate guy, so there was some snuggle action going on in the pool, which was very nice... then his gentleman friend said that it was his first time at the sauna, so Cubby decided we needed to take the guy on a tour of the place... which we did... with much chatter... which is not often something you hear in a sex-on-premises venue (which is both understandable, but also kind of weird)... then, after we'd wandered around the entire place (which actually never takes that long... its not exactly mammoth) we ended up going back down for another baking session in the wet sauna...
And who should be sitting in the corner near me as I walked in... yup.... Skinny Guy from before... I put my hand on his leg, just as more of a hello than anything else, and before I knew it, it was back on for young and old... so much so that I remember hearing Cubby chuckle when he saw what was going on, but I didn't realise they'd left the room until much later (I didn't actually realise that EVERYONE had left the room... if was a fairly full sauna when we came in, and when Skinny Guy and I were done it was just the two of us). When things had reached their logical conclusion with Skinny Guy... well, HIS logical conclusion... (I'd already had a logical conclusion upstairs earlier involving a very dark room, a hot bearish but buff guy with a beard, dreadlocky type hair (and I only know that because I saw him earlier in a much more well lit area), possible
Tony-eske dimensions (at least from what I could feel) and a prophylactic... paint your own picture)... okay, where was I?
Oh yeah... Skinny Guy bent down (he had been sitting on the upper bench in the sauna, me on the lower, obviously) and whispered in my ear something complimentary that I now don't remember and then asked me my name... I had that 2 second delay between "Do I tell him my real name or do I give him the "casual hookup name" I've used occasionally?" (yeah, I know, shut up and stop looking at me like that)... but he was too damn cute, so he got my real name.... his, it turns out, is Marc (I'm guessing on the spelling based on something Cubby said to me later)... he then said "This might sound like a stupid question, but what's your star sign?" which made me smile... what is it with
me and star signs? Seriously... it's a whole thing... I swear...
I told him Pisces, and he said that he figured as much (although he didn't say why)... either that or Cancer... so I asked him his...
Cancer, which I should have guessed, just from him mentioning it. I asked if he wanted to go upstairs and maybe grab a booth/room/cubicle/whatever, but he said he had to go soon, but that he was usually there on Saturday nights...
Again, after he left the room I sat there grinning before going out and dunking myself in the pool again... he was in the shower but when he got out and was drying off I got out of the pool, went to get my towel and kissed him on the way past... just because...
Okay... I'm a big shmuck, and I'm having warm fuzzies for a guy I hooked up with in a sex club... damned
water signs...
It also means that I will probably swing by the place if not this coming Saturday, then the Saturday after... if only to attempt to give him my number so, theoretically I can have sex with him that doesn't require an admission fee... I'm also keeping in mind that he probably already has a partner... but it's nice to dream for a little while...
After that I wandered around a little, found Cubby and his gentleman friend in one of the cubicles together, played around with them (well, mostly the two of us with Cubby between us and all the attention on him) and then I decided that since it was getting late (6pm by this point, and I got there around 2:30pm) and my towel was all damp, and to be honest it was going to take more energy than I could summon up to actively seduce Cubby with or without his gentleman friend, and I just couldn't be bothered at that point, so I decided it was just time to take my sauna'ed, spa'ed, pool'ed, sex'ed and happy ass home again.
I stopped on the way home to pick up two bottles of Gatorade (the Strawberry Blast flavour I mentioned before as well as a Fierce Grape) because all those repeated sessions in the sauna had pretty much wrung all the water out of my body... and decided whether or not to actually blog this story...
Now that it's written (two and a half hours after I started it) I just have to decide whether or not to post it... but of course, if you're reading this, you already know the answer to that one...
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