
coffee with potential model

On my 2006 Wish List, number 8 was "To return to growing and developing my photography"... so I've been going through my database of people I've spoken to about modelling for me, sending off a few messages here and there, chatting to people, trying to kick things back into gear.

I did this last year too, and got three or four shoots out of it before general lethargy and the onset of Autumn kind of kicked in. I'm hoping to do better this year, we'll see though.

To that end, I just came back from a "coffee meeting" (not that I had coffee... it's too hot, so I had that flavoured mineral water stuff... but he had coffee) with a potential model... we'll call him "Will". I like to do that kind of public meeting, it lets them meet me and me meet them, and just generally get a feel for what they're like and they can ask whatever questions they like. I should trust my instincts on those meetings though, because there have been a few where my brain just screamed "run away" and I went ahead and did the shoot, and it just wasn't worth it, for whatever reason. I'm not always right, but it's generally a good rule of thumb.

Not today's meeting though... today was a good meeting!

It always differs, sometimes the meeting lasts about ten or fifteen minutes (generally those are the ones where I should probably run away screaming), sometimes around an hour, but I pretty much come up with some variation on the same spiel every time... hey, it's tried and tested material, I'm not about to deviate from it... plus it all happens to be true.

My meeting with Will today lasted for about an hour, he seems enthusiastic, and has some ideas both for what he wants and possible locations... it's always good when the model has ideas, I get stuck after a while trying to art direct all on my own.

Will is possibly a little older than I would normally choose to photograph... I think he's 38 or so, but he looks pretty good for his age, except for some lines around his eyes. He seems like a nice guy, and the shoot should be fun... he wants to hit the gym, eat right, all that stuff, before we do the shoot, which is understandable, so it probably won't be for a month... but it's a start...

I just need to drum up some other models in the meantime...

If only Adelaide wasn't such a small place...

Current Mood: pleased

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