
il cielo che danza parte due

the dancing moon 2006After the less than stellar evening Ma and I had on Saturday night at Il Cielo che Danza, aka The Dancing Sky, we did end up going again tonight...

What a difference a little forward planning makes!

We left about an hour an a half earlier, meaning that we left my place just after 5:30pm (quite something when you consider the fact that the actual performance didn't start until 9pm). I took my tripod (which made ALL the difference). We managed to score a park out the front of my old apartment building (yes, we could have walked it, but we still had to walk down the hill and past the cricket grounds both there and back, so we decided to "cheat" the last bit between there and my place). We'd staked out the places that we thought would be good spots last night and headed straight down there tonight, staking out a claim while there was still a fair amount of space to spare.

And like last night the people kept coming and coming and coming... good lord... standing up after it was all over and looking back up the slope it was just a sea of people... and because they'd closed the main road off, we ended up walking along the road on the way back to the car along with what felt like a billion other people... I said to Ma that it felt like we were doing some kind of protest march, walking along on the road with that many people.

Anyway, getting back to the actual performance... because we were basically front(ish) row, just off center, we had a fantastic view of the whole thing... and when you could actually see it, it was SO much better! I did have to keep reminding myself in certain spots to spot taking pictures and actually look up at what was happening, especially since just about every shot I took I got the "This shot is blurred" message on...

I was just happy that I managed to score a clear image of the "moon" balloon and dancer... it was my favourite...

Current Mood: still tired but much happier than after last night

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