
camera club disposable camera shoot

city lights 2006So... tired... two... lots... walking... North... Adel... aide... fall... down...

Dammit and double dammit... I'm so exausted... after my walk this morning, then tromping around North Adelaide for two hours this evening (wearing the same "new" sneakers both times, given the state of my old sneakers on Monday... and after I got blisters this morning I put Band-Aids on both of my little toes before I went out tonight, which seemed to help slightly) I got far too much exercise today... the word knackered comes to mind... and on top of that, for reasons I can't quite explain I have a splitting headache... Thank god for Nurofen Liquid Capsules...

For the record, while the Camera Club photoshoot tonight was supposed to be done with a disposable camera, both Stu and myself decided against it... Stu because he's a digital snob (and when you turn out work the quality of his, why wouldn't you be) and I was less interested, but also broke. Luckily we had to take shots in and around North Adelaide, so I took Stu, Mikey, Cathy and her tag along (but very amusing) husband Mark basically on a truncated and slightly altered version of my daily walk, going across the park, down the right hand side of the middle leg of my walk, then worked our way around to my old apartment and then back to meet up with where everyone was having coffee/dinner.

It was fun though... I'm not sure how many shots I actually took, around 80 I think, but after I culled out the crap and blurry ones I have about 50 left... it was interesting to not only see various bits of North Adelaide that I see on a daily basis through other people's eyes, but also other photographer's lenses... the brush fence that was hit by lightning way back in December and is still all burned up interested them way more than I'd expected it to... and various buildings along the way that I don't even see half the time anymore... I didn't take as many shots as I possibly could have partly because I didn't take my tripod along like I did on the North Terrace shoot... and my camera just hates the low light, and due to setting off at 7 instead of 6:30, we lost the light much faster than we would have done otherwise.

Thinking about it, it's possible that my headache was caused all the talking very loudly for prolonged periods of time that Cathy's hubby Mark and I were doing, and the fact that the pair of us were also doing horrendously bad French accents for the majority of the evening... he started it, and like always when someone else is doing any kind of accent I know well, I get stuck in it and can't get out... I also kept channelling Evette from Clue which didn't help...

The shot I included with the post was one I took up at the Light's Vision lookout thingy that looks out (funnily enough) over town... I tried taking a couple of shots there the second night Ma and I went to see Il Cielo che Danza... but, for whatever reason, I think this one came out better than those earlier ones I tried. In lieu of a tripod I rested the camera on the stone railing and used the timer to get the shot.

Once we were all photo'ed out, we headed off to the cafe where everyone was supposed to meet up, but there weren't really enough seats and I wouldn't want to bother mixing with a lot of the people who were there, and Stu really wanted an AB again, so we trundled off down the road to the Red and White Cafe so Stu, Cathy and Mark could have AB's and I could breath the very, very taste fumes in and be thankful that I'd stuck a couple of plums in my backpack and eat them earlier before "Food Cut-off".

For whatever reason, O'Connell Street was being ever so slightly Fagola Central tonight, I saw two "couples" go past... one I know was definately a couple, the other I used assumed... but I recognised one guy from both couples, which is how I knew they were actual fagolas and not faking it...

And for reasons that we won't go into (but should be obvious after my other posts today), I was noticing all the Asian guys that were coming in and out of the cafe (Eddy, hush *pokes out tongue*)... *mutter*

Okay... it's off to bed for me... I'm sooooooooooo tired and sore right now...

Current Mood: and you know you're sleepy when looking at your sleepy emoticon makes you yawn...


Sunshine said...

I've got one word for ya - SMITTEN!!!! ;)

yani said...

Oh HUSH! You're enjoying this far too much ya evil little munchkin... :P