
montage monday: yellow

I'm not sure if today's Monday Montage is the start of a theme or not... have to see if I can find enough of other colours... but this one goes alongside the Red montage.

The nice men come to pick up my sofa today... they called earlier to say they would be here "between 11 and 1"... I mean c'mon... that's a two hour window... I know they have to allow for traffic and moving furniture and maybe going back to the depot if the truck is full, but please... two hours? My living room is going to look so damn empty for a week without the sofa... it's gunna be weird!

School went back today... so for the first time in what feels like forever I saw schoolkids... okay... schoolboy, singular... on my walk this morning... it also means that I need to make sure I get my walk out of the way early, since I like to avoid the wandering children.

There did seem to be more people around this morning, whether that was because school has gone back, or whether it was all in my head because Thursday was a public holiday, and Friday was the day after a public holiday and people just decided to take a four day weekend, or what, I don't know...

The Powers That Be have switched the times of Oprah and the craptastic cooking show, Ready Steady Cook, putting Miss Oprah on an hour earlier... for no apparant reason that I can see... god I need a job...

Speaking of which, my Agency Girly is on leave this week... going to the cricket and the Big Day Out instead of finding me a job... what is the world coming to! I do like her though... I called her last Wednesday just to check in, and the beginning of the conversation went something like this... Her: "Hi, how're you doing?" Me: "Pretty good, and yourself" Her: "I'm bad" Me: "Oh dear, why's that?" Her: "Because I haven't found you a job yet"... see, she's fun!

Current Mood: i'm doin okay!

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