Earlier this week I had the printer out so I could print out my freebie movie tickets, and I figured that I might as well print out one of my old and unfinished vampire short stories... well, the only unfinished one actually... I never did pin down the whole "major plot" thing for it, which kind of makes it hard to finish, but that didn't stop it being about 45 pages long. Anyway, I haven't read it in ages and ages, and figured I should probably cast an eye over it.
Originally it was inspired by an old friend, Spike, or rather a particular visual image I had of him which used to float around in my head back when I was walking to work in the city every day... in fact large chunks of both that and other stories manifested themselves when I used to walk to work, but this one kind of took on a life of it's own, until it managed to incorporate quite a few of the gay boys I used to know in some random alter ego type of way. Like the handful of vampire stories I've written, it was kind of half dark and gothic and then half soft gay porn... not that there's anything wrong with that, it just tends to be the way I write vampire stuff.
The story kind of held up okay actually, it needs some editing here and there, and it still needs that one massive plot point, but mostly it was good.
Having read the story through again, Spike was on my mind, the character I cast him as plays a major role in the story and it just got me to thinking about him.
Anyway, today I'm flicking through the Sunday Mail and what should I come across but a photo of him and his partner (or "housemate" as the story refers to them... puh-lease!)... they'd been attacked in their own home and stabbed repeatedly... thankfully not fatally.
After I had a slight freakout I immediately grabbed my mobile to flick through and see if I still had Spike's number... alas, no... but a quick search on the White Pages site turned up an appropriate mobile number and I dashed off a quick text message saying I was thinking about them both. If they message or call me back, good... if not, that's okay too... Spike had drifted out of my life a while back, and it was probably a healthy thing for both of us... if he comes back into my life now that's okay, but I don't have this overwhelming need to see him. So long as I know he's okay.
It also made me think about a quote from one of Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake books where Anita is explaining why she will protect one of the other characters, someone she doesn't especially even like... I wish I could find the quote, or even remember which book it's in...
Okay, I just officially freaked myself out... I suddenly remembered that it was in Blue Moon, so I went into the living room to grab the book and look for the quote... I opened the book randomly to page 198-199 and looked at the text... then turned back to page 196 (ie back one page) and found the quote I was looking for... I hate when that happens...
So the quote is...
"Nathaniel is mine now. He's on the list of people that I'll protect. He's mine and no one can hurt him without answering to me. Jason's mine. You're all mine, and no one can hurt what's mine. It's not allowed."
Spike is on my list... it used to be a longer list, but it kind of got pared down over time, but Spike is still on it, as is J... not to say that they can't take care of themselves, J especially, but they're still on the list. So, to read that someone had hurt Spike, after my first thoughts of "Oh my god", the second thought hot on it's heels was "That's not allowed!".
I hope he's doing okay.
Current Mood:

Oh my god! Why did they get attacked?
Seems like it was for no particular reason... they were attacked by some random psycho (the guy has actual mental problems) who came to the door supposedly asking for directions.
Stabbed repeatedly?!?! Omigod! Hope they are okay though.
To be honest I think the majority of it was defensive wounds on their hands and arms (especially given the photo that went with the story)... I could be wrong, but that was how I read it.
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