
fringe pink

pink matt stuckey pink amococo curves
Some pink Fringe flashback shots... Matt Stuckey's parking ticket machine art and Amococo...

It's been a very wet day... I got up and it was raining, I went on my walk and I got trained on, I got back from my walk and my shoes were soaked, my socks were soaked, the back and arms of my teeshirt were soaked, even my nylon trackpants were soaked.

Of course as I got home from my walk the rain let up... only to pick back up and rain like mad when I left for work. On the up side, I didn't get anywhere near as wet as some of the other people at work... one of the guys who sits nearby didn't have an umbrella and got SOAKED... fortunately I was able to tell him about the only floor in the whole building that has a hot air hand dryer, so I think he went down there, stripped to the waist and dried his shirt off. Or at least that's what I like to think he did.

The day back after any holiday... whether it's just a day off, or a public holiday, or the bigass Easter holiday, or annual leave... just seems to take forever. Today wasn't that bad overall, mostly because I was busy for much of the day... but I was very glad when the day was over.

I also dropped into JB HiFi and picked up Paris, Je T'aime, which I wasn't able to get from either of the JB stores on Saturday... and turns out that it's a two disc set, and for a low, low price... so bonus there!

And when I got home, I got sucked into iCheckMovies.com...

Current Mood:

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