
much ado about nothing

parking ticket machine art by matt stuckey parking ticket machine art by matt stuckey
I swear, this week is Much Ado About Nothing so far... and of course, next week is going to be chocker block... I think I'm out every night next week except for Monday, what with Fringe stuff...

Today's Featured Photos are more of the ticket machine art by Matt Stuckey from Saturday...

I got my hands on the Triple J Live A Version albums today... and made a very pleasant discovery that combines my love of Josh Pyke's music with my love of Winnie The Pooh... I didn't even know there WAS a song called "The House At Pooh Corner", let alone that it was wirtten by the man responsible for the songs "Footloose" and "Dangerzone"... or that Josh Pyke had covered it for Like A Version! Colour me a happy bunny!

Other than that I finally knuckled down and started the project I've been putting off at work since before Christmas... and, unsurprisingly, it only took me a very hours to polish off... the problem was the starting.

And now I need to go and decide what the hell I'm going to do with this chicken breast for dinner...

Current Mood:

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