
photo friday: alphapasta

alphapasta... can you spot the secret message?Can you spot the (not so) secret message? And yes, I know that's technically a H... it was supposed to go the other way but it didn't quite work...

I'm officially a brunette...

Well, technically I'm always a brunette, naturally speaking... but my hair is an awful "nothing" colour normally... now I'm all brown with some depth to it... plus my eyebrows match...

Rewinding briefly, work was a whole world of insanity... not because I was especially busy, but because H-San seemed to have made it his mission to drive me to distraction. Whether he did all of this intentionally or not I don't know, but either way he still managed it.

It was also one of those days were 4pm seemed to take a very long time to arrive. But eventually it did and I trundled off to see Tink and get my hair did. I was definitely having one of those "my hair sucks and although I like the idea of growing it out, the reality sucks balls" moments... weeks... whatever. So I burbled at Tink about what I didn't like about it, she made a suggestion, which sounded fine, so I let her get on with the cutting (I think we're moving towards a similar style to one I had about 10-12 years ago, but we won't comment on that right now), then we had that slightly painful discussion about colours.

I wish there was a way you could just see what the colour is going to look like on you before you commit to it (and not a whole Photoshop way, an actual way with your actual hair) but alas this is impossible. And I didn't want to go particularly blonde again, but I needed to cover the grey find something that didn't look quite so bland... and I settled on a brown colour... but a brown that would end up looking warm since my hair always throws red/ginger into any colour.

But given that my eyebrows are essentially blonde I'm always a little hesitant about going darker with my hair... but Tink fixed that by very briefly applying some colour to those two... so now my eyebrows essentially match my hair colour. And according to Tink the combination makes my blue eyes look even bluer.

It'll be interesting to see what people notice, whether they just see the hair and now the eyebrows, whether they comment on my eye colour or what...

After we were done I wandered off, stopped to pick up some last minute things for dinner (I forgot to get tomatoes and basil to put on my pizza) and some Coopers Clear... although seriously, beer usually just goes straight to my head.

And I'm currently rocking the special features/Season 4 that never was from my Veronica Mars DVDs... this week has been all about The Mars... granted I think that Season 3 suffered a little bit from Jumping The Shark Syndrome, but it was VM episodes I hadn't seen so I'm not complaining too loudly.

I also got my hands on the Adelaide Cabaret Festival program book today... not sure if the stuff in it this time is a good as last year, will have to mull it over with Ma tomorrow, see what we thing...

Now if you're excuse me, I have to go and prepare for Live Tweeting of 60 Minute Makeover...

Current Mood:

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