
fringe related saturday

sp supermarketIt was all a very early kind of day today...

Because we had tickets for The Grimstones at 10am, and my new Fringe motto is "Get There Early", Ma came down early so we could get all the shopping out of the way early and be down at The Garden of Unearthly Delights at a reasonable time.

All of which worked out very well indeed... partly I think because I haven't really been buying that much stuff on Supermarket Safaris of late... I don't know if it's the weather or I just have too much stuff I haven't used yet or what... but it's usually very light on...

And there was the added bonus that we went everywhere in my car today... *sigh* air-conditioned car... love ya!

Once we'd done everything and came back here to unpack and whatnot, we headed off to the city to find a carpark and try and get front and centre for the show... turns out that none of that was really very hard!

Snagged a parking space right at the East Terrace end of Rundle Street, about the third space in in fact... and since the Garden only opened in time for the first show of the day (which I'm guessing would have been The Grimstones) we were actually early and wandered along Rundle Street for a bit.

As we were wandering along I noticed that there were a bunch of little sketches stuck to poles and walls and signs... all little scribble sketches of faces... amazing stuff! And since they were only stuck on with blutak, I'm not embarrassed to say that I snagged a couple of my favourite ones (turns out they weren't original sketches, but rather photocopies, but if you look at them from a distance you'd never know)... and on the back was the artist's details, Fleur Elise Noble, and the dates of her show (23-25 Feb). She's very good!

Anyway, we wandered back to the Garden, and thoroughly enjoyed The Grimstones... then our next stop was across the road to Amococo...

amococo amococo
Behold... the inflatable luminarium... yeah, I'd never even heard the word before this either...

Sure, there was lining up, and it was quite warm inside in spots (I don't think all the air coolers were working because there were all these little alcoves with air vents in them but they weren't all blowing), but it was TOTALLY worth it... it's absolutely amazing!

It feels completely alien, but it's absolutely gorgeous... and a photographer's dream (I can just imagine doing a fashion shoot or better yet, a nude shoot in there)... once you manage to avoid all the other people who are in there, but the whole thing is so segmented and labyrinth-like that you don't need to wait long until you feel like you're completely alone. It would be amazing to use as a party space or something, where there would be less people and more of a relaxed vibe with music (there were lots of kids running around, which is never very zen).

There was even a guy photographing an odd girl wearing a doctor's coat and stethoscope... I have no idea what the hell that was about...

Had it not gotten a little warm in there I could have happily hung out for much much longer... but I'm definitely going to have to go back, especially since entry is only $2! And it's one I totally recommend!

Anyway, after that we jumped back in my car (woohoo air-conditioning... sorry, but that just never ever gets old!) and I drove Ma around to show her all of the inflatable spacemen... we didn't stop or anything, but I assume they're going to be around for a while, so we could always do it on a much cooler day. The only one I couldn't find was the one in Rymill Park...

And since the last one we saw was in Light Square (and quite possibly my favourite), we just kept heading down Currie Street and ended up going to Marion...

Marion, was essentially Marion... although quote of the day has to go to the woman dressed up in costume (I think she was supposed to be this character, but I'm not sure... she had the spots tho) along with a Darth Vader and a stormtrooper (I'm guessing they were all part of that Star Wars/Stormtrooper charity organisation, it's not the first time we've seen them at Marion)... but she was talking very earnestly to a couple of civilians as we walked past, and I heard her say, in all seriousness, "I am a Jedi Knight"... she specifically emphasised the "am" too...

Okay then... if you say so!

I also snagged two Margaret Cho DVDs at JB HiFi.... one for now, and one for my birthday... woohoo... which is only about three weeks away!

And that's about it really...

Current Mood:

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